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sick before surgery: filling an old amoxil prescription (??)

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Ok...I'm sick. I whined about that a few days ago. Cough, coughing up stuff, runny nose. Not so clear anymore either.


I'm having surgery on the 23rd. I know I can't have this surgery if I am sick. For my own good. But i really, really want to have this surgery on time. If I don't, one surgery will turn into two surgeries. I am scheduled for a bilat. mast WITH reconstruction. My plastic surgeon who will do the reconstruction is a very busy lady. She is booked in advance for MONTHS! Meaning, if they cancel this surgery, they will then reschdule my bilat. mastectomy for as soon as possible....but I won't get my reconstruction until this summer. I don't WANT to wait months for new bOOks! I want them when I wake up darn it!!!!!!


So....I remembered that in November I had this same crud. The only difference was that I had hives with it. The doctor just talked to me, didn't do blood work or any kind of throat culture...and handed me a script for Amoxil.


I didn't turn it in. Didn't feel I needed antibiotics. I knew it would go away with time. So I still have the script. And they will fill it.


Should I take it?

I mean, if I walked into my doctors office tomorrow with the very same symptions minus the hives surely he'd give me the same prescription again, whether I needed it or not.


I do NOT believe in taking antibiotics unless they are needed. I do not EVER rush my kids to the doctor because i want them to fight off stuff themselves. When they NEED antibiotics they will work because they have not taken them all their lives. Same with me. I never take them unless I have to, which is very, very rare.


So.... can it hurt me to take this now. I guess I am mostly worried about any infections I might get AFTER surgery. If they give me antibiotics then for something, will they not work as well because I've recently taken these?


I am so desperate. I want to get well and FAST! If the antibiotics will help me I need to take them!! And I don't WANT to go to the freaking doctor again for nothing.


:sigh: I don't know what to do. Someone tell me what to do.



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I am sorry to say, but if this is a virus (which it likely is), antibiotics won't make a bit of difference.


If I were you, I would call the oncologist and ask him/her what to do about the illness. I believe that things change a bit when you have something to compromise your immune system. I could be wrong..but you don't want to take any chances.

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I am sorry to say, but if this is a virus (which it likely is), antibiotics won't make a bit of difference.


I know. That is why I didn't fill it the first time. I figured I had a virus, so didn't bother. And I think this is the same crud. But in case it isn't...in case I am wrong...and it is bacterial...then.... (did I mention I was desperate?)


If I were you, I would call the oncologist and ask him/her what to do about the illness. I believe that things change a bit when you have something to compromise your immune system. I could be wrong..but you don't want to take any chances.


I don't have an oncologist. I did have one before I switched hospitals/doctors. And I will have one after surgery. But right now I don't.


But I did speak with the plastic surgeon's nurse. She didn't advise anything other than take an atibiotic if my doctor gave me one (because you'd assume a doctor would not prescribe one unless it was needed, right?)


What is bacterial? Strep? Bronchitus (I spelled that wrong I'm sure)? Anything that has the same symptoms that I have??????


:banghead: I MUST get well!!!!!!

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Please don't take this the wrong way:


I assume you're having the bilateral massectomy because of cancer, right? Now is the time you want to follow your doctor's instructions to a T. Now is not the time to ask advice from laypeople on various message boards. Have you had chemo? Are you already immunocompromised? Could it be that the surgeon is genuinely concerned about your recovery and wants you to have the best shot at having a positive outcome? Perhaps you can follow advice on here, take an old script for antibiotics and everything will turn out just fine....but are you willing to take the risk if the outcome is otherwise and know you may have done something that caused an adverse outcome?

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Please don't take this the wrong way:


I assume you're having the bilateral massectomy because of cancer, right? Now is the time you want to follow your doctor's instructions to a T. Now is not the time to ask advice from laypeople on various message boards. Have you had chemo? Are you already immunocompromised? Could it be that the surgeon is genuinely concerned about your recovery and wants you to have the best shot at having a positive outcome? Perhaps you can follow advice on here, take an old script for antibiotics and everything will turn out just fine....but are you willing to take the risk if the outcome is otherwise and know you may have done something that caused an adverse outcome?


Yes, I have bc. No chemo. Not in any way immunocompromised.

Yes, my surgeon is concearned about my recovery. Their...protocal...is that if you have a cough, upper respitory problems they will not do surgery. I am fine with that.


One of my initial questions was (though I probably didn't word it correctly) could taking amoxil (if this turns out to be only a virus) hurt me?


If it cannot hurt me and if I have nothing to loose ...and if there is a chance this could be bacterial...then I lean towards taking it.


Because yesterday, when I told my breast surgeons nurse that I was sick, she mentioned taking an antibiotic if my doctor prescribed one.


And, like I said, I went to the doctor for the same crud in November and he prescribed Amoxil.


Which I never filled. Which I am considering filling now.


And if it turns out that it was bacterial...then it couls help.

If it turns out to be a virus....will it hurt??? That is exactly what I need to know.



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And if it turns out that it was bacterial...then it couls help.

If it turns out to be a virus....will it hurt??? That is exactly what I need to know.




I don't think it could "hurt" - BUT, given all that is at risk, if it were me - i'd NOT self-medicate in this case and get to the doctor to have everything get a look-over.


He/She might see something MORE and given that you are having major surgery soon, put you on something better/stronger to help the surgery happen.

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One of my initial questions was (though I probably didn't word it correctly) could taking amoxil (if this turns out to be only a virus) hurt me?
In short, yes. There are some viral illnesses that can compromise the liver a bit, which can be made devastating by adding antibiotics (mono comes to mind - not suggesting that's what it is, just an example).


Taking a mild, non-broad-spectrum antibiotic will also kill off much of the natural bacteria that lives in and on your body, whose colonization of your person can keep the more aggressive, pathogenic bugs at bay. That can lead to an open door with full buffet for MRSA and other tenacious species that like to live in hospitals.


Also, if it turns out to be a virus, then you may still be sick in 10 days. With or without antibiotics.


See a doctor. Call your surgeon. Do not self medicate. Do not pretend you're not sick. It's not worth the risk. If it's a cold that spurred a sinus infection, there are other courses of antibiotics that will not just "knock it down" in a shorter time, so you will know they worked well before your surgery date.

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Taking a mild, non-broad-spectrum antibiotic will also kill off much of the natural bacteria that lives in and on your body, whose colonization of your person can keep the more aggressive, pathogenic bugs at bay. That can lead to an open door with full buffet for MRSA and other tenacious species that like to live in hospitals.


:ack2: ACK! MRSA! You said the magic words! :scared: Do you have any idea what MSRA can do to newly reconstructed breast flaps!!!!!??? Not to mention that it is scary stuff anyway!


See a doctor. Call your surgeon. Do not self medicate. Do not pretend you're not sick. It's not worth the risk. If it's a cold that spurred a sinus infection, there are other courses of antibiotics that will not just "knock it down" in a shorter time, so you will know they worked well before your surgery date.


Gotcha. I will not self medicate, I promise! If this does not go away I will see a doctor and get the right stuff. I will make certain that the doctors understand that I'll be in the hospital soon where that nasty MSRA lurks!



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