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"The 11 Best Foods You Aren't Eating" (or are you?)

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Is Swiss Chard something you find at an everyday grocer's? I don't recall ever seeing it. I do get kale at Whole Foods occasionally, but I don't remember seeing Swiss Chard in the vacinty.


Swiss Chard is common here, as is white Chard. But it's California and we are fortunate in the produce department.


You know what's good? Rapini (Broccoli Raab). Mmmm.


Fresh beet-tops are a good culinary substitute BTW, if you can't find Swiss Chard.



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Do you ever use the dried limes called "Omani limes" that Gulf Arabs and Persians are so fond of?


I've never heard of those and will have to look for them! This was my Christmas of "cooking stuff" and I'm having lots of fun trying things I've never before tried (but not sushi, liver, or 'shrooms - just can't do it). I rec'd a subscription to Cook's Illustrated, and I really appreciate the sort-of scientific approach to recipes.


So where would these Omani limes be found? Or are they mail order?

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So where would these Omani limes be found? Or are they mail order?


I purchase mine at a Persian grocery near-by, but LA is unusual in having so many "ethnic"markets.


Persian markets or Arabic markets (especially ones with Iraqi or Gulf Arab clientele) would be you best bet.


Persians call them Limoo Amani.


The taste is difficult for me to describe, the lime taste is transformed though the salting and drying preservation process. If you are "adventurous" in your cooking (and it sounds like you are) these are worth trying. They are not expensive and are lightweight (being dried).


Here's one link to a place that sell them (I know nothing about this web-site).





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