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New Lead Testing Law-Not Good!!!

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I had heard a bit about the law, and was excited because of all of the problems with imported toys, but it sounds like things are going to be really bad for a lot of people if it becomes effective the current way it is written. It will cause huge amounts of books, toys, used clothing, etc... to be DESTROYED unless they have a certificate saying it's been tested for lead. Amazon, ebay, thrift stores-everything will be affected price-wise as well as product availability in the future. I got this link from the MFW yahoo group, but if anyone else can find info on it, please list it.


I don't know if it will help, but I guess I will be calling my representatives today.


Here's the link: http://www.xanga.com/gloryquilts

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I finally saw this on the news last night for the first time. A local consignment store owner said that as the law is written it would make selling anything for a child under 12 that is not certified illegal. He said that only time will tell if this will have a profound effect or if it will just be business as usual.


My concern is that those who really cannot afford to buy clothes even from discount store will not be able to get clothes for their kiddos. There was a man interviewed for that news story that works at a mission, and he said that many families in the area depend on that mission for very inexpensive clothing to keep their kids clothed. I think about the coat drives we have every winter also, and coats are not cheap!


Would cirriculum really count, because it is intend for adults to use other than the work books KWIM?

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They can't stop you from giving a gift really but they can shut down small companies and people who sell their handmade goods. They can pretty easily shut down craigslist, Esty, ebay. Those place will simply ban the sale of children's items and the people who make those items will be out of business.


You are right and that is a problem. :glare:

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It was on the news about local thrift stores. We have one that sells clothing for 50 cents an item. They are a charity and might be able to get away with just giving the clothing away--not sure though as they are not a private party.


There is a used toy store in our town that is really nice. You can bring your toys in to sell, buy different stuff, etc. She would be put out of business for sure. Same thing with consignment shops that sell kids toys/clothing.


Does anyone have any number/names of people to contact that have the power to change this?

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