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Addicted to Settlers of Catan....

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Someone take it AWAY!! :lol: Since Christmas, my dh and 11 yo insist I play at least two games a night with them, and several games a day on weekends! All I have felt like doing lately after dinner is hide in my room and snuggle up with a good book! [i'm sick, sick, sick...and...well...cranky ;)]


Besides, I would think they'd be tired of me winning every nine out of ten games, ya know? Sheesh. Should I purposely lose to eliminate the 'he-man' challenge to beat me? :lol:


It's a great game though. Fun, fun, fun. We have the Knights and Cities extension set as well but haven't yet learned how to play it. I am fearful of the added addiction level it might pose for my darling men.

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Now you just need all the expansions--Knights and Cities, Barbarians and Traders, or Seafarers.


And the 5-6 player expansion for the original game, or for each of the expansions.


Or, if you don't want to have to play, how about the 2 person version card game? Similar, but with a mechanic that doesn't require multiple players! Also a great game.


And if you like it, you can by a collection of expansion for the 2 player card game too--




And you can also play it on your Xbox with people over the internet--would that get you off the hook?

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That is so funny! I am in the same boat. My ds wants to play every single night and is completely heart-broken if I suggest I might not have the spirit to play. And I have won every game we have played. My ds doesn't even mind like in all of the other games that we play.


We all really love the game though. Can't wait until we have played a while and then upgrade to one of the expansion sets.

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I've loved Settlers since I was first introduced to it several years ago. I bought it as a family gift last year (2006, I mean) and we've yet to tire of it. I added a couple of more euro-style games to our collection this past Christmas and "Ticket to Ride" (we have the Europe version) has been a great success. Carcassonne still hasn't drawn us in, though.

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This was our family gift this year as well although we jumped right in and bought the basic game and the 5-6 player expansion and Cities and Knights (and the 5-6 player expansion) and Seafarers (and the 5-6 player expansion) and we had never even seen the box when I did that. I didn't buy the Barbarians set yet (I only had 3 kids remotely old enough to play so each got a base set and an expansion to open. We haven't tried out Seafarers yet because we are still working on getting the rules down for Cities and knights but so far I too have won every game. My husband and oldest son are very competitive and they still haven't beat me (and I really haven't been trying that hard as I'm usually distracted by the baby and the toddler).

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