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Does anyone own the Bible Story series...

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You know...the blue Bible Story books that you often see in Dr. offices and the like? I love these and my yongest ds LOVES Bible stories. The more on his level they are, the more he loves them. My dh has read to him two beginner Bible books already (several hundred page ones) and he is still craving more. I was thinking the next step up may be the Bible Story series, but I wanted to get some thoughts here first. Does anyone own these? Are they worth the money I will have to spend on them? Should I look for a used set rather than buying new???



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My son loved the set. He is just finishing the last book. He definitely has a better grasp of the Bible stories than I do; he is always telling me facts that I don't know! If you read the reviews at Amazon, quite a lot of people take issue with certain perspectives. I went through each complaint and read the part of the book, but thought their points were just a minor issue. I would definitely buy it used!

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Rebecca, this may or may not matter to you, but I remember reading, when I researched them myself, that they were written by Mormons. I don't know if the doctrine carries over, but if that matters to you, it's something to check. Maybe I'm remembering wrong?


Does he have an actual Bible? My dd read the NIrV (3rd gr reading level) for a long time and now I've bought her an NASB, which is much harder. I think an ESV might be a good compromise, especially given his age. The big thing though is the font, to find one that has a font he can read, not real dinky. I spent a lot of time on amazon comparing the samples to find one that had a suitable size font before I bought.

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Do you have any ideas where you found the reviews that you read through? I would love to make sure I agree the complaints are okay with our beliefs before we proceed.


I am not sure I really know the difference between Mormons and other Christians. My ex-MIL was Mormon and she was very spiritual and in most ways, we agreed. I also have another good friend who is Mormon and we have never blatently disagreed about anything either. I attend a Baptist church, but would consider myself more non-denominational than anything.

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I just searched Amazon, but the detailed reviews are gone. It is written by "adventists" which I think means seventh day adventists. I think it is fine for such young kids, but I wouldn't give it to a teenager. My son has concurrently been reading the New Testament in a real bible, but I can't imagine him reading the OT in a real bible until he is a teen. I am not sure that I would even want him to, at this age, with some of the stories in there. I think this Bible set is a good watered down version of the OT for young readers, but not lacking in detail like most Bible Stories.


I bought an incomplete set at Goodwill, then bought another incomplete set that had my missing books from Ebay, so I spent about $20 altogether.

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We have a set that DH had from his youth. DS2 read them so much that I bought a like-new second set off of eBay for a backup ($50). There are also some new "seconds" out there for about $99. Look around. We also have a set of the books on tapes put out by Your Story Hour. That is really how DS2 learned to read...listening to the tapes while following along in the books.

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