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Medical question (intestinal distress) - what should I do?

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Please, I need help:


I'm having very troubling intestinal distress (not sure what else to call it) :confused1:.


It's been going on 5-6 days. I'm not in real pain of any sort, just varying degrees of discomfort, bloating, gas feeling (with nothing happening), just feeling "off" overall, and no need to use the bathroom iykwim .


I've never been constipated before, I've seen the t.v. commercials and thought to myself what the heck is that all about, I "think" maybe now I know :blushing: - but I'm entirely not sure if this is just something normal that happens or if this could be serious and I need to see a doctor. I checked out webmd and wasn't much help.


What should I do? I'm going to run to the store this morning to try something. Is there anything natural to take? Any particular thing to look for? What about a "colan cleanse"? I'm going to run to our natural foods store this morning and see if they can help.


I'm trying not to feel anxious about this, but a close friend of mine was diagnosed with colan cancer 8 yrs ago, right after the holidays. She thought all through the holidays that it was just the rich eating of the season. I'm trying not to go there with that thought.


Thanks hive -

Edited by Alaska Mom
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ETA: Sorry, the below is for the OPPOSITE symptoms!


It could simply be a virus that needs to run its course (BTDT, 7 days... UGH). Or, your intestinal flora/fauna could be off -- probiotic/acidophilous should help with that. If you have some stomach upset/nausea as well, charcoal pills.


If you want to treat the symptoms, immodium AD is what we go to around here.


Lastly, if you haven't done this yet, go to bland (not greasy, not spicy) foods. Bananas, applesauce, WHITE rice, toast, grilled chicken breasts (lean meats), chicken noodle soup, BLUEBERRIES -- avoid brocolli, most veggies, heavy sauces, creams and dairy (yogurt is fine, though -- go for the less sweet types, though).


For YOUR system -- Phillips Milk of Magnesia (taken at night), glycerin tablets -- Psyllium husks. Honestly, at this point, I'd START with the MOM, and then move to something more natural and just add it to your diet. You do NOT want this to continue, it will only get MORE difficult to treat and MORE difficult to eliminate. If the MOM doesn't get the job done, you could try an enema. If none of that works, call the doctor. Drink LOTS of water, no sugary drinks, no caffiene -- and fiber-filled foods. Here's hoping this clears up today or tomorrow morning.

Edited by LisaK in VA
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If you are constipated, magnesium will clear it. It is well-known for its laxative properties. If the initially amount you take doesn't do it, go ahead an take more. The side effects of a magnesium overdose is to clear you out which is what you are going for. Our pediatrician was having me give my daughter magnesium to clear her constipation when she accidentally consumed dairy (she was allergic to it). He wasn't worried about me giving her too much.


It's pretty safe to take too. If you have kidney disease, you should avoid it though.


If you can't get it cleared, you should see a doctor.

Edited by joannqn
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I wouldn't jump immediately to colon cancer (okay, well, I am a hypochondriac, so I probably would, but not because it made any logical sense).


Have you ever had this problem before? If not, then chances are, it really IS due to some rich seasonal eating. I would start on a daily fiber supplement. You can do a colon cleanse as well - that should clear out what is already in there.


If this does not resolve or if it resolves and then quickly comes back, then don't hesitate to see a doctor. There are LOTS of things it could be other than colon cancer. I don't know your age, but it is rare in young women and often starts with a pre-cancerous polyp that, if removed quickly enough, will never turn to cancer.

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I just had this happen, usually regular, and worried after 5 days, then it was fast then another five days.


I talked to my naturopath and she suggested Digestive Enzymes, you can pick them up at Health food store. Also, she started me on Activia and mix flax seed w/it.


This worked, matter of fact after taking digestive enzymes once, I went.

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