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IEW...trying to figure this out and need help!

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I am very much interested in this writing program but the website is confusing me.


Am I correct in understanding that the best way to get the most out of this program is for me to go through the Teaching Writing:Structure and Style (TWSS) and start my ds on the Student Writing Intensive Level A?


How long did it take you to move through Level A? Am I correct in understanding that I would not start Level B until around 6th grade and just continuing working with the skills taught in Level A in the mean time?


Thank you for helping me figure this out. :001_smile:

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I think you are supposed to start with TWSS - I have it, but am not really getting that much out of it. I don't feel I am getting my money's worth out of it.

ds is working through the Ancient History Based Writing Lessons - and that is working really well - he is gaining a lot of skills by working through the lessons.

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I did level A with my 10 yod in 10 weeks, I used the TWSS exclusively until then. I just started at the beginning of the TWSS and worked my way through it with my dd adding in dress-ups, sentence openers and decorations. We got to the report writing before I plugged her into the SWI A. She did it pretty much on her own and is working through a 1/2 year of poetry to round out the year.

I have my 6 yod in Unit 1 and my 9 yod ds will be ready to start the SWI A in a couple of months.

Did you download the lesson plans for the SWI A? You can go as slow or as fast as you need to. It gives you a pretty good idea of what you should be covering weekly.

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You can do the SWI without having watched TWSS. TWSS does give the instructor a good background to the program and can be used on its own, but it does take a bit of work and confidence if you plan to use TWSS alone.


I would go ahead and purchase the SWI A and try to borrow the TWSS from a local hs'ing family if you can or try to find it used and purchase it that way. Or you could purchase it new, watch it as many times as necessary to get a good feel for the program and then sell it to recoup some of your cost.


If you are going to use the writing intensives and/or the theme based writing options then TWSS is not critical. It certainly is if you want to use it on its own to teach writing. :)

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Am I correct in understanding that I would not start Level B until around 6th grade and just continuing working with the skills taught in Level A in the mean time?




Level B covers the same material as level A, so if you watch the TWSS yourself, and then go through SWI A, you probably wouldn't need to use SWI B.

Now that I'm familiar with the program, I prefer to use the Theme Based Writing Lessons. We've used the Ancient History, Middle Ages, Bible Based, and are now working through Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales. I could teach IEW without all of these "props", but I like that it's all laid out for me.:001_smile:



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The TWSS (Teaching Writing STructure and Style) is the back bone of the IEW program and covers all 9 units. It is designed for the teacher to watch, with notebook in hand. SWSS A,B or C is the Student Writing Intensive and could certainly be a stand-alone, though A and B don't cover all 9 units. You can use it for several weeks or years as there are many supplemental materials to purchase and free on-line downloads. They are created for the student to have a writing instructor (Andrew Pudewa) in the home.

The theme based units are based on the TWSS and if you get the IEW "short-hand" are intended to be stand alones. Some of them cover all of the units, some do less. It states clearly in the catalog what units are covered and what age group each is appropriate for.

TWSS is a bit intimidating but if you can get through it just once you'll have it for life. I like the theme based units becasue they cover specific areas.

Edited by laughing lioness
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So...here is what I am understanding....


TWSS is not necessary for me to go through in order to implement the program, but it would give me a greater understanding of it.


More questions...


Do I need to go through a SWS level before doing a theme based writing program? The samples I looked at online look to be for older kids (4th grade+).


Thanks for your help so far!

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Yep, you've nailed it with TWSS.

If you look at a theme based unit and understand the dress-ups and openers, etc. you wouldn't need to use SWSS.

Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales would be appropriate for a 3rd grader (or 2nd if they have the mechanics of writing down). It is easy and fun. The Bible based theme book is also recommended for 3rd grade (through h.s.) but there are lots of words on the page. It can be visually daunting for younger students.

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We have never used IEW before, but this year I ordered SWI C for my high schooler. It has been the best writing thing that we have ever done. It is very self-explainatory. I am watching the DVD's with my daughter and understand it fully. She is loving this program, after several other tries. I am going to use the SWI A with my younger kids, too. I don't feel the need to have any of the TWSS products, but I am thinking about the writing lesson books that others have referred to, also.

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I have no real wisdom to share, but rather wanted to thank Brittney for starting the post.


We are about to embark on a journey with IEW and I feel very reassured with our choices after all of the input I've read here and from previous threads.


Fwiw, I ended up ordering SWI A used from a nice lady on these boards. I plan to watch these with my 11yo ds and then begin the Medieval History Based Lessons after we finish the dvd's.


Happy New Year!

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So...here is what I am understanding....


TWSS is not necessary for me to go through in order to implement the program, but it would give me a greater understanding of it.


More questions...


Do I need to go through a SWS level before doing a theme based writing program? The samples I looked at online look to be for older kids (4th grade+).


Thanks for your help so far!


Being that TWSS is the foundation of the entire IEW approach, yes it would give you a greater understanding of this approach to writing. You can use only TWSS and do very well with writing instruction.


If you are looking for something with more "hand-holding", then the SWI or a theme-based program would be what you want. No, you would not have to use a SWI before using a theme-based program though it would give your student a good base in the IEW approach before doing some of the supplemental programs.


I know that I said TWSS is not absolutely necessary to view before using a SWI or theme-based program, but I do recommend trying to view it at least once if at all possible so that you have a good understanding of the overall approach.


In reading these boards and talking to some hs'ers in real life I am noticing a trend of bypassing the TWSS. I know it is expensive (which is why it took me so long to give in and try IEW), but it is the foundation of the program and it is helpful. I know I have already said the following, but I am going to repeat myself. :) I suggest that you try to borrow it from someone to view at least once so that you have a base to draw from while helping your dc through their writing. If you don't know anyone who has it, try to find a used one (I purchased mine here for under $100 and it was in great condition) or if worse comes to worse buy it new, watch it at least once and then resell it.


Anyway, yes, you can use the SWI or theme-based programs without TWSS, but I still would encourage getting the TWSS.



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You have all been very helpful!


I think my plan of attack is to somehow view the TWSS (I think our charter school may have a copy of it...BONUS!) and to purchase the SWI Level A and work through that a while. Then...I will look into the theme based writing.


How does that sound?



That sounds like a good plan!

I am glad that I finally gave in and purchased IEW as it has really helped refine and step up the writing around here.

Make sure to give it some time because the approach is a bit different (at least for us it was) and might take a bit of getting used to. Have fun! :)

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That sounds like a good plan!

I am glad that I finally gave in and purchased IEW as it has really helped refine and step up the writing around here.

Make sure to give it some time because the approach is a bit different (at least for us it was) and might take a bit of getting used to. Have fun! :)


Thanks for walking me through this, Deece! :001_smile:

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