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What are your kids doing today?

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Boys are playing video games and girls are helping take down Christmas decorations . . .


"I'm bored" is the kiss of death here. It's actually a request for chores in code.:lol:


Boredom? Not around here...


In my defense, we don't have video games, so that wouldn't have been an option for him. And, being suburban-dwelling vegans, we have no livestock to feed or care for either.


This is the one who normally has four dance classes a week, but all except tap--as well as his choir and the organ teacher--are on vacation.


So, his list for the day included:


Playing the recorder

Reading one book (latest Tokaido Inn sequel) cover to cover

Reading/browsing another book

Sewing and stuffing a pillow with the new sewing machine

Going to the craft store for a costume pattern and more fabric

Accompaning me to the grocery store

Helping a man in the parking lot to jump start his truck

Creating a wrist guard out of felt to go with his ranger costume

Doing some stretching exercises

Watching some TV

Updating his GoodReads account

E-mailing his geography teacher about when he's starting the second semester of the class

Making himself lunch and eating it

Going to his tap class


I guess he just needs a lot to do.


At the end of the day, he admitted that he wasn't too bored today, because he had fun working with the sewing machine.


Fortunately, tomorrow is mostly booked. We have to drive his sister to a mall about 45 minutes from here to meet a friend. And I found out that the Barnes & Noble in that mall has the next book in one of the series he's been reading. So, we'll stop by there before we head home. Then, we'll probably spend most of the afternoon packing and preparing for the sleepover at our church tomorrow night.

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My son has already been in here (the office) three times saying he's bored. So far today, he has watched a bit of TV while eating breakfast (a treat that happens only when we're on break), perused the samurai book he got for Christmas, played the recorder and sewn and stuffed a pillow using his new sewing machine. In a little while, we're going out to the grocery store and craft store, and he has a tap lesson this afternoon.




We went to see Despereaux today and all evening we've been hanging out outside. It feels like a spring evening here so we're enjoying it before cabin fever sets in for the winter!

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