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Stepping up the Schedule....thoughts?

Alana in Canada

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First, Hi everyone!


I haven't dropped in since the whole election snafu--but that wasn't the reason. Other stuff--stuff that caused me to cut waaaay back on our homeschooling subjects (but still do our essential core stuff everyday!) caused me to be absent.


Thing is, we've become extremely comfortable with our bare bones schedule but we really need to knock it up several notches.


This is what we did:

everyday (4 day week):



Story of the World 2 (narrations for each segment, the Student Activity guide, and chapter tests) These narrations were our only writing.

Grammar (about 3x a week, more or less)



For science, we read books on the Solar System and watched a few videos.


This coming year I want to pick up Aesop A where we left off at our break in October. (Though I'm thinking we should perhaps just skip to B pretty soon and then go on to Homer as soon as we can. I'm starting to worry about this a LOT. I just an't seem to get the CW rockets on all cylindars. It's the ideal program, though, to be working on with both of them.)


I have a Progeny Press study on The Door in the Wall--I want to do this with both kids too.


We have a Canadian History Read-Aloud course I'm anxious to resume (as are the kids, they quite enjoy it, though reading for 1 hour a day is tough on my voice.)


My son needs to get back into his Mind Benders and other Logic games and excercises--


AND I have a great looking science course here waiting for us to pursue--i-science 4. That looks like it'll be easily and happily done 2x a week.


Then, there's our Bible study, geography, art lessons, music appreciation AND dictation to do.


I see that I'm going to have to go back to a five day schedule (though whether I should make the extra day the Monday when Dh is supposed to have a day off (but frequently doesn't) or Saturday (when DH works, but my daughter chafes to be with her friends) I'm not sure.




Any advice, thoughts?

I'll check the thread in the morning.


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With the mind benders and logic games, maybe you could set a time of day for him to do them, but let him pick what he wants to do, instead of you having to assign it.


If you're going to add science, I'd drop history to 3 days a week and do science on 2.


How much time is schoolwork taking on the schedule you're on now?

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I hear you on the writing, Strawberry Queen! That's, in part, why I insisted on written narrations every single time we did SoTW.


However, I know it isn't enough--not nearly enough. I read Outliers over Christmas--and wow--ten thousand hours needed to get good at something!


How long did school take? About 4 to 5 hours, depending on the dilly dally with those narrations and the math. Oh--and that time also included about 1/2 hour a day each at the piano. You can see why I'm a bit panicked--I really don't want 8 hour days...but I don't see a choice.

Edited by Alana in Canada
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Hehe Alana, you don't have to go from 4 hours a day to 8! Why not shoot for say 6? That would fit your oldest quite nicely, while your 8 yo could stay at your current 4. And I don't know about others, but I wouldn't count piano practice as school hours. In other words, a 3rd grader would do 4 hours of academics a day. I wouldn't include PE or piano in that total. :)


5 days vs. 4? Have you seen Angelina's blog? She has her schedule there that I'm thinking of working toward in January. She does 4 days a week with the 5th for the extras, cleaning, and catch-up. The novelty to me is tossing all the extras to there. (art, logic, that sort of thing) Always before I thought of it as all or nothing. I would think in your situation it might be nice to do a 1/2 day when your dh is off. That way they do some work (while he sleeps in or does his own thing), then you have time together as a family.


Definitely agree on picking up the writing. I don't think an 11 yo needs Aesop A, and the 8 yo is on the young end for it to where you could even wait a while if you wanted or needed. So I'd focus on the 11 yo and then add in the 8 yo later.


Oops, baby is up.

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I saw a bit of an interview on Outliers on CBC. Maybe the reason why SWB recommends doing grammar for 8 years has something to do with it. Just plain getting in the number of hours with a subject to be terrific at it and master it. Even if you know how to do it. I'm sure Wayne Gretzky knew how to score a goal about 5000 hours in, but the practicing sure played out in his case.

I'm all for practicing effectively and using a good method, but one still needs to practice and that. takes . time. sigh! I guess I should resign myself to shorter free time for myself as I try and help my kiddos learn. Darn! I kind of liked the short days of grade one where you could do school and still have a life with friends etc.:001_smile:

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I agree. I think the older could easily cover all this in six and the younger could stay with four. I don't count instrument practice as school time here, either.


Mind Benders can pretty much be done on their own, can't they? Maybe you could cut to one history written narration in order to fit in more of the other writing. I'd start to add in one or two of these things at a time (maybe per week) until you come up to what you want to accomplish.


I still read aloud a lot here, too. If you get into it slowly, perhaps starting with a half hour, then building to 45 minutes, then to an hour, I believe that you'll find that your voice will strengthen and it will get easier. Or perhaps you could split the reading into two shorter periods to help you out?

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Since you have your 4 day schedule going well, I'd start by adding in what the biggest problem is. So add in your writing and for two weeks give it a good honest try. Then see what is next most important. Maybe it is that Canadian history, but only twice a week and the science twice a week. You can do the art and music, geography, and logic puzzles on your fifth day. So that if dad is off that day, the fun stuff can be hurried through and the day enjoyed.

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I saw a bit of an interview on Outliers on CBC. Maybe the reason why SWB recommends doing grammar for 8 years has something to do with it. Just plain getting in the number of hours with a subject to be terrific at it and master it. Even if you know how to do it. I'm sure Wayne Gretzky knew how to score a goal about 5000 hours in, but the practicing sure played out in his case.

I'm all for practicing effectively and using a good method, but one still needs to practice and that. takes . time. sigh! I guess I should resign myself to shorter free time for myself as I try and help my kiddos learn. Darn! I kind of liked the short days of grade one where you could do school and still have a life with friends etc.:001_smile:


Hey, we saw that same interview and it was yet another little thing that spurred me on to do what I do with my kids!!


:iagree: with your whole post.


(got a letter and pic of kids from your big sis today - how fun to see how they've grown!)


Alana, you can do it!! Ra Ra! :D

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