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Help. Need a catchy title for a talk.

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I am preparing a talk on how children's literature can teach values. My working title is Respect and Honesty: Values and Characters from a Good Book. However, since this is aimed at parents and not librarians, I need a snazzier title that will make them want to leave their comfy homes on a cold January evening. Help me come up with something fun and compelling!


I was hoping for an instantly recognizable character or tag-line of a character that will epitomize what I am talking about (either positive or negative.) So far, the only instantly recognizable characters that come to mind are Bart Simpson and the Rugrats. Not that workable since neither of them are "book" characters. Veruca Salt is a little to obscure unless someone has been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Oh Venerable Hive, what say you?

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I am preparing a talk on how children's literature can teach values. My working title is Respect and Honesty: Values and Characters from a Good Book. However, since this is aimed at parents and not librarians, I need a snazzier title that will make them want to leave their comfy homes on a cold January evening. Help me come up with something fun and compelling!



I was hoping for an instantly recognizable character or tag-line of a character that will epitomize what I am talking about (either positive or negative.) So far, the only instantly recognizable characters that come to mind are Bart Simpson and the Rugrats. Not that workable since neither of them are "book" characters. Veruca Salt is a little to obscure unless someone has been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Oh Venerable Hive, what say you?


Winne the Poo: More than Just a Story about a Bear



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"Dirty Ethel Rackham on Respect and Honesty"?


Now I'd turn out in a New York minute to hear that talk.


'The Better Angels of our Natures: Lessons from a Children's Book'


'Using Mike Mulligan's Steam Shovel to Build Better Kids'


'Leading the Horse to Water: Using children's literature to help our kids grow up right'

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