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July goals by the week


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Happy July! The last of June flew by with less computer time so less checking in, which is fine. Dd had covid these last two weeks, happily gone now.

July goals, in no particular order: baby chicks, bees, and raspberries; mom health and bills check-ins; dh, dd, and ds birthday; 4th of July parade float; up my cardio and lose a few pounds before my presentation; finish presentation script and slideshow; finish and send chess set to sister.

This week is a doozy: finish the float and do the parade, dh's birthday, ds here for the week, baby chicks arrive today, drive dd two hours to rehearsal and back, dd's birthday at the end of the week. It will all get done 🙂 

Edited by Eos
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This week is dd’s 21st birthday (today), prepping for a big barbecue on Saturday, getting my annual homeschool paperwork in, finishing HR paperwork for the job dh starts next week (I’m in charge of all our insurances, etc.), and working on the garden.

A lot of that prep is scrubbing my house from top to bottom and I’m dreading it. I was figuring friends won’t care about anything I don’t get to, but now a fancy business associate from dh’s new company may be coming. I do not play Corporate Wife well!!!

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This week is a doozy—-

today-fix fencing where my calves are, finish cutting grass, work in the garden, start cleaning out my dds closet (older dd moved out and that used to be her room and lots of her stuff is still there) 

later in the week 

take ds for drivers license test

prepare for my nieces wedding on Saturday 

keep up with picking blueberries 🫐 ( omg I’m drowning but they’ll be nice this winter)

study for clep test I’m taking July 15

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, well, three weeks later I've done almost everything plus lots more. There is no point in setting goals for the summer, getting through it is the goal.

Goals for the last week of July and all of August: to be awake, hydrated, kind, and fast.

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