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Considering Explorer's Bible Study for 1st grade - anyone use it?


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We really like it a lot. I am using it with dd 1st, as well as ds, kind. It starts right at Creation. Even though the dc know much of this, I like the review, and like what they stress. I really like the questions at the end, and so do they. Also, it's nice, because it doesn't take a ton of time, yet you feel like you're doing more than just reading a devotional. (Which we also do.) We are going to go on to the next book next year.

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I have a high opinion of Explorer's. I think it's the best quality inductive Bible study available for children. My ds has done well with it (he is presently in second grade). My dd also did a year with Explorer's last year, and I have a friend who has been using it with her fourth grade son.


I reviewed a bunch of other curriculum a while ago. Explorer's was definitely my top choice. After that I would also recommend Rod & Staff or Kay Arthur's Bible study series for kids. The Kay Arthur series would be challenging for a first grader, though, as it requires a TON of reading--it would be better for a third grader or older.


I also had a good opinion of Christian Light, though I think the other resources I have mentioned are better.


I would NOT recommend Abeka or Alpha Omega for Bible--those programs are superficial and poorly written.

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I'll be using this next year with ds. You can ask for samples -- it looks great, and I really like how it involves the student and also teaches new vocabulary, but not overwhelming. Just right. I wanted something more structured for Bible with ds.

Edited by sagira
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