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Norwex vs e-cloth vs others


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I was gifted some norwex cloths....and although I think they are ok.....and I "understand" the concept behind them,  (uses water to clean, the sliver woven into them to kill bacteria etc)  and I greatly appreciate the all natural concept A LOT....I am trying to get rid of chemicals in my home, but I am annoyed by the fact that I have to wash them separately and that I need special cleaners to wash them.  I also want to believe that the silver kills bacteria (like chicken as they claim), but I have never been able to bring myself to trust that exclusively. 

Someone recently told me about e cloths, which I guess are similar, but they can be washed with regular detergent with my regular laundry (I think), but I don't know (first hand) if they are just as good at cleaning....

or am I just buying into the hype and any old cloth will clean just as well and all I need are some good all natural cleaners (since that is important to me)?  

I have to say, however, my stinky dishcloth saga disappeared with the one norwex cloth I have....but is that because it's new? or because it's norwex? or something else?

I would greatly appreciate anyone's input....but if you are a norwex seller, please let me know that in your comments....because I want to hear from both those who sell it as well as those who have used (or are using) any cleaning cloths.  


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So idk when, probably at least 5 years ago, I posted a video from YouTube from a mom who ran lab tests of regular microfiber vs norwex vs some other non-microfiber cleaners. I don’t remember the exact numbers but I think she figured out that norwex was best. It killed something like 99% of bacteria in her kitchen. The generic microfiber from the automotive section of any discount store killed 98% of bacteria. And other anti-microbial products like clorox wipes killed 60-70% of bacteria. 

So technically the Norwex was twice as good as other microfiber… but in reality it was 1% better.  As a result I used microfiber for years. I did switch to e-cloth last year. I can’t remember if it was on Prime Day or if I waited until Black Friday but I did wait for an Amazon sale. They’re also sold at Target. I do think ecloth works better than generic microfiber because each cloth is designed for the soft/scratchyness needed for one particular surface. But if I’m cleaning something really gross I’m still using a generic microfiber with gocleanco’s recommended mixture of 1TB powdered tide, 4T bleach, and hot water. Clear as mud? 

Basically if you want to go water-only, Norwex or any microfiber will be helpful. But if something is really gross use microfiber AND diluted bleach. 

eta: this mom used Petri dishes and a microscope to do her testing. It was pretty scientific for an at-home experiment. 

Edited by Katy
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I love the Norwex I have (except the ones for people washing—not a fan of how microfiber feels on me), but I don’t use their detergent to clean the cloths. I don’t know if that’s a problem or not. I do wash them separately in that I don’t wash them with linty cloths (though I know people who do!). I wash my optical(?) cloths that I clean mirrors with separately from other microfiber cloths, usually with clothes.

I have an e cloth for my Bona mop, and I like it a lot. I haven’t tried the others.

I like both more than generic microfiber, but I think that’s just because I have specific cloths for specific surfaces.

Regardless of the type of microfiber I use, they are all hard to get clean! What makes them good at picking up gunga makes them not want to let it go. My bona mop heads get built up spray on them too. 

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