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12/20 Exercise thread

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I like your titles every day Cheryl! Today was VERY cold! The wind chill was 2!! Yikes! But I got out there and did 5.5 miles. It's REALLY hard to run in the snow. It's like running on the beach. I think my workout today - though slow - was my best workout ever!


And, there was no taking off any clothes today!!! LOL Everything stayed on and my stomach is still VERY cold!!

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I like your titles every day Cheryl! Today was VERY cold! The wind chill was 2!! Yikes! But I got out there and did 5.5 miles. It's REALLY hard to run in the snow. It's like running on the beach. I think my workout today - though slow - was my best workout ever!


And, there was no taking off any clothes today!!! LOL Everything stayed on and my stomach is still VERY cold!!


Oh my! That's cold!! Great job getting out there and running in it! Get warm!

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Jenn - I don't care who starts it! I always check before I start.


Today was the 10 miler. Oh, but before I get to that, dh and I went to a Christmas party last night. I ate so well that when I got on the scale this morning, I actually lost a pound! Little dessert plates that I filled twice, but I basically took up all the room with cut veggies and fruit. I did have the meat there too - London broil I think - and one piece of cake. Fun fun!


Back to the run - it's 55 degrees! It's a week till Christmas! This is insane.


For the first time in memory when I got to noticing that "I running at a good clip", I didn't slow down automatically! Or if I did, I sped right back up. I think it was a good run for me. I stopped in at the bike shop to use the bathroom and eye-candy Tom was there.


imapmyrun along with the iPod drained too much battery so I turned them both off about 7 miles. I did have an extra watch on so I do have total time. Then mapmyfitness.com will figure out all the stats for me.


Oh and Jenn, I do have long run tummy issues. Not fun. But then again I did sort of have a little bit of this issue before I left. I know TMI!


55 degree, left over rain on the ground - short sleeves and skort, running hat


10.43 miles, 1:49:58 hours, 10:31 pace, 1102 calories (!) I think I burned off the cake :lol:

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Wow, Jenn, a 2 degree wind chill is cold. Brrrr... Bravo for braving it to workout.


Momofkhm....yay for you in the way you hit the dinner table last night. And congrats on the long run. I'm inspired.


I did 53 minutes this morning walking. It was 58 degrees with a cool breeze. A big front moves in this afternoon, so I wanted to get out and enjoy the temperate weather while I could. I plan to do some ab work a bit later.

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Brrrrrrrrrrr - pretty cold during the 7K run I forced out of this old girl. Sometimes I overlayer for cold weather running, but today I underestimated. It was a smidge chilly.


Sad news to report about getting my Garmin up and running -- I assumed since I hadn't used it ever since October that I wouldn't have to power it up again. After all that pysching myself up to figure it and input the info, it was dead. I guess it wasn't my day after all!


Exercising Hivers, wishing you continued success with your healthy living over the Holiday Season.


Warmly, T

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Brrrrrrrrrrr - pretty cold during the 7K run I forced out of this old girl. Sometimes I overlayer for cold weather running, but today I underestimated. It was a smidge chilly.


Sad news to report about getting my Garmin up and running -- I assumed since I hadn't used it ever since October that I wouldn't have to power it up again. After all that pysching myself up to figure it and input the info, it was dead. I guess it wasn't my day after all!


Exercising Hivers, wishing you continued success with your healthy living over the Holiday Season.


Warmly, T


Bummer about the watch! Great job on the run. Clothes are hard sometimes. I often under or over layer. The longer the run the harder it is. I cool off at the end of the long ones. Last time I trained for a marathon, I actually called dh and asked him to bring me a jacket! (which he did, sweet man that he is!)

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Jenn - I don't care who starts it! I always check before I start.


Today was the 10 miler. Oh, but before I get to that, dh and I went to a Christmas party last night. I ate so well that when I got on the scale this morning, I actually lost a pound! Little dessert plates that I filled twice, but I basically took up all the room with cut veggies and fruit. I did have the meat there too - London broil I think - and one piece of cake. Fun fun!


Back to the run - it's 55 degrees! It's a week till Christmas! This is insane.


For the first time in memory when I got to noticing that "I running at a good clip", I didn't slow down automatically! Or if I did, I sped right back up. I think it was a good run for me. I stopped in at the bike shop to use the bathroom and eye-candy Tom was there.


imapmyrun along with the iPod drained too much battery so I turned them both off about 7 miles. I did have an extra watch on so I do have total time. Then mapmyfitness.com will figure out all the stats for me.


Oh and Jenn, I do have long run tummy issues. Not fun. But then again I did sort of have a little bit of this issue before I left. I know TMI!


55 degree, left over rain on the ground - short sleeves and skort, running hat


10.43 miles, 1:49:58 hours, 10:31 pace, 1102 calories (!) I think I burned off the cake :lol:


Wow! Great run! Are you finding it difficult to increase your mileage? I found a plan that I'm going to start next summer. It sounds so much like yours - 4 - 5 mile runs 2 - 3 times/week and one long run on the weekend. My plan actually has me working up to 26 miles one week. I'm just a bit worried that I'll have trouble increasing my mileage just one day/week.


Can I ask - your tummy issues - do they continue after you're done running? My long runs are anything over 5 at this point and, boy, am I paying for my run this morning. Cramping and diarrhea (how's that more TMI?! LOL)


I'm jealous of your temps!! Congrats on eating well - that must've taken a lot of will power!!!


Wow, Jenn, a 2 degree wind chill is cold. Brrrr... Bravo for braving it to workout.


Momofkhm....yay for you in the way you hit the dinner table last night. And congrats on the long run. I'm inspired.


I did 53 minutes this morning walking. It was 58 degrees with a cool breeze. A big front moves in this afternoon, so I wanted to get out and enjoy the temperate weather while I could. I plan to do some ab work a bit later.


I gotta say - if I knew the wind chill was only 2, I probably wouldn't have gone! I checked after I came back in. The snow was so beautiful while running! One of the piles was up to my shoulder!!


Great walk!! REport back after you do your ab workout!


Brrrrrrrrrrr - pretty cold during the 7K run I forced out of this old girl. Sometimes I overlayer for cold weather running, but today I underestimated. It was a smidge chilly.


Sad news to report about getting my Garmin up and running -- I assumed since I hadn't used it ever since October that I wouldn't have to power it up again. After all that pysching myself up to figure it and input the info, it was dead. I guess it wasn't my day after all!


Exercising Hivers, wishing you continued success with your healthy living over the Holiday Season.


Warmly, T


Ugh on the Garmin issue. Mine was dead this morning too. I'm having a hard time keeping it in the charger. If the desk it's on gets bumped, the watch gets knocked off. Grrrr


What was your temp? Did you get the snow? (I don't know where you live!) I think I'd rather over layer than under layer!! At least you can start stripping when you over layer.

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Can I ask - your tummy issues - do they continue after you're done running? My long runs are anything over 5 at this point and, boy, am I paying for my run this morning. Cramping and diarrhea (how's that more TMI?! LOL)


Well, they usually don't start while running, it tends to be after I'm finished. But the diarrhea and cramping, yeah that's it. I'm wondering if it's a hydration issue.

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Well, they usually don't start while running, it tends to be after I'm finished. But the diarrhea and cramping, yeah that's it. I'm wondering if it's a hydration issue.


Good to know I'm not alone!!! But, I'm sorry you get it too. See - this is the kind of stuff nobody talks about and I really thought something might have been wrong! After my run today I was craving salt, so I do wonder about electrolyte balance and all. I guess I need to look into getting one of those belts that can carry water. Do you have one?

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I don't know that I should keep reading these threads when I'm not able to join you; in a way, it just serves to further frustrate me. Don't get me wrong; I'm proud of y'all for keeping up with your training ~ just very down that I have only been able to run ONE day out of the past eight. Earlier this month I hit my goal of running at least 1000 miles throughout the year....and since hitting that goal, I've come to a complete standstill. It is mentally and physically discouraging.:(


Our wind chill is below zero today but it's still sunny, with another strong storm expected to hit tonight. I would gladly bundle up and go for a run if it didn't mean potentially busting my tailbone doing so due to the ice. I must have moaned three dozen times in the past week, "If it would just snow in a normal manner, I could at least get out there and run in it!" Not that my family (or y'all;)) are getting tired of hearing me.


My other problem right now is that while Hans always does his best to give me time to run, he is overwhelmed due to the weather and he needs the older boys (my babysitters) to help him. So really, even joining a gym for a short time probably wouldn't be that helpful. This is just the way it is right now and my only hope is that I can at least see out the old year and ring in the new with a couple of decent runs.

Edited by Colleen
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Oh man Colleen. I feel for you! I don't think I'd be out there in that weather either. Our snow does sound different. We have about 14 inches on the ground right now. One pile was even up to my shoulders! But, it is snow-covered. I can run on that. There were some patches of ice, but I could get some traction on the snow on top of it. The wind this morning was bone-chilling, but there were breaks. Your snow, ice, and wind sound downright dangerous.


When does your gym open? Is there a possibility you could go very early or very late (you don't require much sleep, do you?)? Our local gym opens at 5 and closes at midnight. If yours has similar hours, maybe you could work out when the kids are in bed.


Or, you could move to FL! (Or vacation there very soon!) :grouphug: I'd be going stircrazy too!

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Good to know I'm not alone!!! But, I'm sorry you get it too. See - this is the kind of stuff nobody talks about and I really thought something might have been wrong! After my run today I was craving salt, so I do wonder about electrolyte balance and all. I guess I need to look into getting one of those belts that can carry water. Do you have one?


Yep and I take it with me every time. I drank water while out today. Not the full 27 oz I took with me though.

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Our wind chill is below zero today but it's still sunny, with another strong storm expected to hit tonight. I would gladly bundle up and go for a run if it didn't mean potentially busting my tailbone doing so due to the ice. I must have moaned three dozen times in the past week, "If it would just snow in a normal manner, I could at least get out there and run in it!" Not that my family (or y'all;)) are getting tired of hearing me.


My other problem right now is that while Hans always does his best to give me time to run, he is overwhelmed due to the weather and he needs the older boys (my babysitters) to help him. So really, even joining a gym for a short time probably wouldn't be that helpful. This is just the way it is right now and my only hope is that I can at least see out the old year and ring in the new with a couple of decent runs.



I'd be stir crazy as well. When we get snow, it will be icy on top. But when we get it, there will be so little that I will still be able to run on the grass next to the side walk fairly safely.


I know many gyms around here have childcare available. Some you have to pay extra for and some have it included in the price. Is that an option for you?

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Yep and I take it with me every time. I drank water while out today. Not the full 27 oz I took with me though.


Do you carry it on shorter runs too? So far my longest run has been an hour - 6 miles. I guess I was under the impression that I wouldn't have to carry water unless I was out for more than an hour. Don't know where I read that though!


So, what else do you carry on longer runs?

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Do you carry it on shorter runs too? So far my longest run has been an hour - 6 miles. I guess I was under the impression that I wouldn't have to carry water unless I was out for more than an hour. Don't know where I read that though!


So, what else do you carry on longer runs?


I do take it on shorter runs. Especially in the summer. It's what keeps me cool - water. I hydrate so much better in the summer when I'm hot.


What I've read is to take some sort of "power" thing on runs over an hour. Shorter runs don't need an extra boost. But I don't remember where I read that.


Short runs I take a 18-20 oz water bottle and an ID. Runs 6 miles or longer I take a 27 oz water bottle, an ID and homemade power gel and a phone to make dh happy. I tried last time to take a carrier that holds 2 20 oz water bottles. It aggravated an old college injury of gluteal muscles. (If it's possible to injure a muscle in your legs, I probably did in college. I was in training room more than anyone else on the team.) So I only carry one and hope I can find a place to refill it if needed.

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Earlier this month I hit my goal of running at least 1000 miles throughout the year....and since hitting that goal, I've come to a complete standstill.



My other problem right now is that while Hans always does his best to give me time to run, he is overwhelmed due to the weather and he needs the older boys (my babysitters) to help him. So really, even joining a gym for a short time probably wouldn't be that helpful. This is just the way it is right now and my only hope is that I can at least see out the old year and ring in the new with a couple of decent runs.


That is so great reaching that 1000 goal. I've decided to set a goal myself for 2009. I think I will start with much less than that.


Does the gym not have childcare? Might be worth a short term try.

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I walked all over the place today while dh and I purchased ds a dirt bike and gear. (He looks so cute in every thing.)


I am feeling really good today. On Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday next week ds has morning swim from 9:45 to 10 due to public school break...so I'm thinking of walking around the track those three days and maybe I will be ready to start running week after that.


Anyway recover from a similar surgery and have any idea what is reasonable?

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Well our Couch program can't hold a candle to all you runners (and you all AMAZE me with your stats!) but today we did day 2 of week 5 of couch and had (drum roll) TWO 8 minute jogs! I think I'm ready for the marathon now. :)


We've cut back on our padding and are only out for 45 minutes now.

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