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Ugh, another small fire - cleanup advice for extinguisher dust please.


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We seem to be having a bit of bad luck  lately! We had our range hood catch fire a few weeks ago, and last night we had an outlet catch fire. Luckily it was in our basement off the kitchen and we were able to get to the fire extinguisher quickly. I did not realize how much residue can come from a fire extinguisher! It's a fairly large room and my work area is in a back corner nook, and everything is covered in a fine dust. I'm considering running out to get an air purifier. We are wiping down all the walls and ceilings, vacuuming, mopping the tile area, but there is a lot of stuff in this room - papers, books, knick-knacks, my tree is still up, etc. I may have to have someone come in to do the carpet and furniture, or rent a machine as money is tight right now. I'm a little overwhelmed! But thankful we didn't have a big fire! And insurance won't cover the cleanup unless it is from smoke or water damage from extinguishing the fire. If we waited long enough to need the fire department we would have probably lost the house, the way the air gets pulled up the stairs in this old house. Anything else I can do to? At the moment we're just going through the room breaking it into small sections. We're checking every outlet in the house, and getting an extinguisher for every floor! 

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An air purifier is a good idea--you could make one of those Corsi-Rosenthal boxes that people made for Covid if that's cheaper. They move a ton of air. If you have forced air heat, I would run the fan continuously for a while and then change the furnace filter after everything is cleaned up. If it's in the ductwork, getting those cleaned would be a good idea.

Do you use microfiber rags? They tend to pick up everything. If you have something like a Bona mop, you can use a clean head to dust the walls. Or you could put a microfiber rag over a broom to do the walls.

Also, maybe a lint roller would get some of it up on smaller or more delicate surfaces.

You might need more of a shop-vac type of vacuum, but if so, be sure to use a bag to catch all the particles. I bet someone would have one to borrow (and maybe a carpet cleaner to borrow).

It sounds so messy, but I am glad you were prepared! 

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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

An air purifier is a good idea--you could make one of those Corsi-Rosenthal boxes that people made for Covid if that's cheaper. They move a ton of air. If you have forced air heat, I would run the fan continuously for a while and then change the furnace filter after everything is cleaned up. If it's in the ductwork, getting those cleaned would be a good idea.

Do you use microfiber rags? They tend to pick up everything. If you have something like a Bona mop, you can use a clean head to dust the walls. Or you could put a microfiber rag over a broom to do the walls.

Also, maybe a lint roller would get some of it up on smaller or more delicate surfaces.

You might need more of a shop-vac type of vacuum, but if so, be sure to use a bag to catch all the particles. I bet someone would have one to borrow (and maybe a carpet cleaner to borrow).

It sounds so messy, but I am glad you were prepared! 

I think I will get some microfiber rags - good idea! I can't stand the way they feel so I don't usually buy them, but I've been wearing gloves. I was able to borrow my bil's smaller shop vac that has a filter. Ours is too big, and I didn't realize it didn't have a filter! I'm glad I had a mask on lol. I've been meaning to get a mop like the Bona - I'm tired of using a Swiffer WetJet, so a good reason to upgrade. Thanks for the helpful suggestions! 

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33 minutes ago, dsmith said:

I can't stand the way they feel so I don't usually buy them

Some are very creepy feeling! There are all kinds with differing niches; the cheapest ones I've found that are for all purpose cleaning are from the automotive section of Walmart (or maybe DH found them). They are inexpensive and come in bundles, IIRC. I love what they do, but I don't like touching (some) of them, and I find them very difficult to get clean again (I've had to use an old-fashioned wringer washer to get mine back to some kind of baseline clean).

Oh, I thought of something else--these are good because they wash out quickly, and if something is really gross, you can toss them without a ton of expense, but they are better than paper towels. If you are using them for ordinary stuff though, they can be used and rewashed for a very long time. You can get them in roll form also. https://smile.amazon.com/Handi-Wipes-Multi-Use-Reusable-Cleaning/dp/B08V8HRK2B/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3J3TTI3PR3QIS&keywords=handy+wipes&qid=1675278699&sprefix=handy+wipes%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-6

Good luck! 

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