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Your earliest childhood memories

Indigo Blue

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DH and I were talking about this thread at lunch.  Both of us have quite a lot of memories before 2.  One big dating for us is the NYC World's Fair.  We both remembered that one, and It ended in mid October 1965.  That means the oldest dh was less than 2 and I went in the early summer, so was 2 and 5 . months, probably     He also remembers his grandmother dying, which was near that time.   

That was a very memorable vacation for me.  Big dark leather booths in a restaurant in NYC and really cool red and silver salt and pepper shakers.  Maple ice cream  in VT.  Seeing the giant St. Lawrence River locks.  Giant skyscrapers.  Super cool bridges.  The house we stayed at in Vt was a former water mill and I don't remember falling into the well (it was only about 5 ft deep because it had been mostly filled, but do remember my father talking very sternly to me.  I remember people, the stories I heard-- like I knew about Troy before 2 and was super impressed by the drawn pictures.  I remember pieces of music I loved- two early favorites were some classical version of Morris Dances, some of Carmen, and a Respighi Pines of Rome.  I remember places, people, smells, sounds, and so does dh.  I remember all of us driving to Florida and listening to Riders on the Storm and trying to scare my three year younger sister.   


As to our children, the youngest and the oldest have the best memories.  Youngest can draw layouts of hotels we stayed in.  Both of them have very early memories.  Middle has had a lot of seizures and falls associated with those so her memory is nowhere as good as the rest of us.

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