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Tell me this will fade and blend —


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We just had our (large!) asphalt driveway redone. It was beautiful. It rained within days and a puddle formed, and stayed, so after some research we called and had the well-respected company come out and level it. They did it — heated it, added more asphalt, rolled it — it’s level, and they were very professional about the whole thing.

But I’m annoyed. Our brand new, long, uniform driveway has a darker spot, with a very slightly different texture.

Tell me I’m being picky. Or that it will fade, and match the rest.



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It will fade and look the same color since the touch up was done soon after the original. Texture wise would depend on normal wear and tear to blend. Heated asphalt is toxic so I would run all air purifiers in the house if your driveway was touch up today as a precaution. 


Asphalt fumes issue links


Edited by Arcadia
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15 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

It will fade and look the same color since the touch up was done soon after the original. Texture wise would depend on normal wear and tear to blend. Heated asphalt is toxic so I would run all air purifiers in the house if your driveway was touch up today as a precaution. 

Thank you. That’s exactly what I needed to hear. And it occurred to me that in a couple years when we reseal, it will all end up a uniform color then, too, if there is still any difference.


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