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IEW ~ Theme-Based Writing... without TWSS ir SWI?


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I'm considering the Ancient History Based Writing Lessons for my 11yo.I'm somewhat familiar with IEW's approach, but curious to hear whether or not users feel the TWSS or SWI are essential?


But then again I've watched the TWSS so it's a bit hard for me to judge. I DISLIKE TWSS! It takes TOO long to watch and it's not as complete as IEW history based writing lessons. I sold SWI A too.


We're using IEW Ancient History Based Writing and I don't think TWSS is needed. If you want to get the big picture just read through the whole program from start to finish and then ask questions here or on the IEW families yahoo group.


We used IEW U.S. History Based Writing v.1 last year for my oldest.

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I'm considering the Ancient History Based Writing Lessons for my 11yo.I'm somewhat familiar with IEW's approach, but curious to hear whether or not users feel the TWSS or SWI are essential?


I am using the same book right now with my 10yo ds and we like it a lot. I don't own the TWSS but I did watch the dvds once at a friend's house. The background info did help but you could get by without it.

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I really enjoy the Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons. Then again, it dovetails perfectly with our studies this year. But, I had already purchased TWSS and SWI-A, and we have moved back and forth between the two. It's been working for us.

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