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public speaking co-op

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I can recommend Communicators for Christ. Their goal is to raise Cultural Communicators - young students

equipped to communicate the message of Christ to their peers in a culturally relevant way.


They have Chapters throughout the country - each Chapter has its own flavor, but the main points will be the same.

All children in your family from 6 to 19 can participate - which makes it family orientated.

Kids 6 to 11 will work through a beginning public speaking program.

Kids 12 and up will work through the CFC curriculum : Young Speakers Guild.

Character is emphasized, as is using their public speaking skills in the community as a service.

Kids 6 to 11 are required to speak on two community speaking platforms in the year

Kids 12 and up need to speak on four community platforms.

In addition there is to be a group project which all participate in at the same time.

Student Leaders are trained from among the older students. They are to take over the leading

the chapter meetings, initially only doing one or two activities at the meeting, but more and more

as they become competent.




Click on the Chapter menu at the top, and then select Find a Chapter to find one in your area.


If there is ever a CFC conference in your area, be sure to attend - they are fantastic and

give you a vision for what your children can attain in public speaking.

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In a co-op last year. It was excellent. Warning. It is a great deal of work. Were we do do it over again, I would absolutely not schedule it every week but every month. I bought it off the website the other post gave you.

Public speaking is a hugely enriching, incredibly important skill and I can't say enough about Teresa Moon. She had me at hello. :) I went to all her lectures at MassHope and I was SO on board.

But it kind of takes over your life a bit and I was just not ready to "go there"

I wish there were a chapter where I live but the closest one is a 2 hour drive. I would continue classes maybe every other year if we could.

You can absolutely do the course as a family, you don't need a co-op or a chapter but you do gain valuable insight when there are others to critique and to critique upon.

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I would also recommend any of the Communicators for Christ resources. I took my kids to a debate workshop in September and it was *excellent*. I am now teaching the beginning Public Speaking curriculum to a group of 7-9 year olds at our co-op. CFC offers curriculums for all ages and stages. They are in the process of revamping their website, but here's the link. http://www.communicatorsforchrist.com/

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Thanks for all the good info. on communicators for Christ. I've actually

talked to them about starting a chapter but have yet to be able to make

a conference. I don't see material on their web site. Do you know how one can order material and not have a chapter?



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You can order the Beginning Public Speaking BPS material from CFC without attending a conference.

You can only order the Young Speakers Guild material if you have attended conference.

Likewise you can only start a Chapter if you have attended a conference.

BPS is for 6 to 11 year olds.

YSG is for 12 and up.


I have taught BPS for the past four years, and have now got our Student Leaders teaching this at our Chapter.

Our Chapter has 30 kids , ages 6 to 19.

You can start an unofficial Chapter in the meantime, if you haven't yet attended a conference,

and become official once you have made it to a conference.

You will need two other families, and at least 7 kids. Doing this with other likeminded families

is much more effective than trying to do it alone.


You only need to meet once every two or three weeks - every week is too much, as there is

an assignment - in the form of a short speech - to prepare for the next meeting. Your dc will

need time to prepare the speech, rehearse it at home, memorize if possible, before presenting it

at the meeting.


If anyone is interested in starting a Chapter then I would love to help.

I would suggest you only get the Teachers Manual for BPS - no need for the Student workbook, it is

too workbooky and kids learn speech by speaking, not filling in the blanks.


In addition BPS has very fewgames - we do at least 3 or 4 each meeting - I use 101 Drama Games,

but you can also just google "drama games" and a ton of games come up.

I select games that either have the kids speaking, growing their impromptu speaking skills, or

have them acting out, learning to get out of their skin and dramatize.


For older students who have no public speaking experience, I would highly recommend that

you take them through the BPS material (but still no workbook for them), giving them at

least one season of doing each assignment. This will all be new to them, and the speeches that

they prepare will be their own material, topics that interest them and are challenging to them.


If you are really interested in starting a Chapter, one option is for our Chapter to assist you. We would

come to your area - we are in MD, so preferably somewhere not too far - for a few days in the summer break.

Our student leaders will offer a "summer camp", giving your dc the opportunity to learn about the

different types of speeches, they will be inspired as they listen to the older student present

speeches, and you will get a vision of what your dc are aiming for.

Our Chapter is looking for an opportunity to present a summer camp as a means of service to

others looking to start one.

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Our public speaking co-op was inspired by hearing Teresa Moon of Communicators for Christ speak:


1. It's all about Christ and a willingness to be used to speak for Him and to serve others by sharing His words with them -- as opposed to focusing on my fears or concerns about speaking in front of (or to) others (which is all about "me").


2. The importance of practicing public speaking is to be prepared to speak in whatever situation the Lord calls us to.



In an attached response to this post is how we set up our Public Speaking co-op class. It's been a terrific experience! After each class, I always email each student who presented with a note of encouragement. While none of the books are specifically Christian, we always open each class with prayer, and I always re-emphasize those 2 points above from Communicators for Christ. And we always emphasize being gracious to one another. Since it is such a short class (only 15 hours over the course of a year), the class is about giving information, short in-class practice of technique, and then mostly giving students several opportunities throughout the year to practice public speaking in front of a sympathetic group.



Books were used by teacher for information and exercise ideas, and also to photocopy pages that were permitted to handout to the students. All books were purchased from http://www.rainbowresource.com:


1. Public Speaking: A Student Guide (Katherine Pebley O'Neal)

2. Communication Skills Series: Public Speaking for Kids (Charlotte Jaffe)

3. Teaching Public Speaking: A Complete Course (Ruth L. Parsons)

4. Communication and Interpersonal Relationships (Dave Marks; National Writing Institute)



I have no background in public speaking, and am not that keen on getting up in front of groups, but I can't tell you how much *I* have been blessed by being willing to step out in faith when I heard the Lord calling me to put this class together this summer. All glory to Him -- it's really been His doing -- and I've been blessed to get to come along for the ride! : ) Hope something here helps, and hope your co-op will be as much of a blessing as ours has been! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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- Students in grades 6-12.

- Parents can drop off, or can stay.

- $15/student = total class cost (to cover, photocopy costs, room rental, etc.)

- 25 students in class

- 10 ninety-minute-long classes, 5 in each semester (1 or 2 classes per month).

- Open with teacher (me) giving info/ leading in-class exercises.

- Students bring notebook for handouts (photocopies, where permitted, from the books)

- 2 parents stay each class to assist (pass out/collect/s.ort evaluation forms).

- The stacks of completed evaluation forms are handed out to each student at the END of class (so they keep paying attention to the next speaker).

- Encourage each student to try to present 5 times in the course of the year.

- Presentations are not assigned; students make presentations from school projects or topics, personal hobbies or interests, or topic they want to research on their own.

- Encourage students to present in each of 5 different types of public speaking.

(See below)

- Every class, encourage students to sign up for one of the next 2 classes to speak (which gives them 2-4 weeks to prepare, since our classes are spaced far apart).





1. 5-10 minutes = info on interpersonal communication topics / in class exercise

(making introductions; telephone etiquette; how to have a conversation; how not to be a bore; how to politely disagree; etc.)


2. 10-15 minutes = info on specific public speaking topics / in class exercise

(making eye contact; body movement/gestures; vocal inflection; using visual aids; how to reduce nervousness; specifics on the different types of presentations; etc.)


3. 60-75 minutes = student presentations

(presentation length: 3-5 minutes; evaluated by peers using a checklist form, with space to ALWAYS write something positive the presenter did, and space to give detail if needed about an area the presenter may need to improve in)





1. Dramatic Recitation

- memorization

- read a poetry or book passage with emotion or with "character voices"

- a dramatic performance (memorized or from a script)

- recite or read a famous speech

- present a humorous anecdote (a "shaggy dog" story)

- retell a familiar story (perhaps from the villian's point of view!)


2. Process or "How To" Presentation

A. Demonstrate a special skill you have; ideas:

- martial arts

- braiding hair

- juggling

- cheerleading

- woodcarving

- magic tricks

- calligraphy

- musical instrument

- jump roping

- yo-yo tricks


B. Instructional; show and explain a process; ideas of how to...

- fold a flag

- do a proper table setting

- tie a tie

- play an instrument

- make various soccer kicks/moves

- use a fishing rod

- cut out a paper snowflake

- fix a flat tire on a bike

- use your breath when you sing

- pack a backpack for camping

- clean your golf clubs, soccer shoes, or other unusual item

- solve a specific type of puzzle

- origami

- dribble a basketball and make other moves

- make a map

- sculpt with clay

- build a birdhouse

- serve the ball in a tennis game

- become an actor/actress

- give first aid for a specific injury

- make a genealogical tree

- make a golf swing

- prepare for a hike

- use items in a first aid kit


Any ideas involving food, animals, or messy items must be demonstrated outside:

- how to eat an unusual food

- how to make a salad, mix up a batch of cookies, etc.

- science experiment demonstration

- painting or other potential staining/spilling activity

- grooming a pet


3. Report with Visual Aids

- book review

- school subject report (from science, history, art, music, etc.)

- biography report of a famous person

- geography report (famous landmark, continent, country, city, river, mountain, etc.)

- report on a culture / customs

- "newscast" of current events


4. Persuasive Speech

- plea or request of others to support a particular event, cause, or position

- presentation in support of a mission or charity

- political campaign speech

- argue for or against a law or potential law

- agree or disagree with a political opinion

- create an extended advertisement (consider creating a product!)

- write and read a "letter to the editor"


5. Personal Narrative or Testimony

- "story" of a personal adventure

- a vacation or camping trip

- narrate a humorous event

- share a personal hobby or interest and why it is important to you

- talk about a person who is special to you and why

- narrative of a sporting event you were a part of

- life-changing experience

- spiritual testimony

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Wow! You've all have given me wonderful information, ideas, and



Ianashoe-Thank You very much for offering helping our class get started.

We are on the east cost but I believe we are probably too far away.:glare:

We live in southern Alabama. Our homeschool group would be willing

to cover traveling expenses. Maybe we could offer y'all to stay in our homes? If you think it maybe feesable please e-mail me at ladycarolbower@yahoo.com


Thanks a Bunch everyone!

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