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Everything posted by carol

  1. Is there a life skills 101 type book out there this would be neat for co-op but I wouldn't want to put it together from scratch!
  2. My son reads at average but reads slow and has never really enjoyed reading~I know in high school reading really kicks up and I also know if the story has a long plot he gets lost before the book gets moving~any ideas~I thought reading off of a kindle could be fun and encouraging but just figuring out how to get him to enjoy reading so he reads more and improves his speed is a big hurdle any thoughts? Thanks
  3. My son is going to Moldova on a mission trip for 10 days in Oct. How can I make this a senior project and how would it count on transcript or would it just be extra?
  4. It just depends; many kids here take Alg. 1 in 8th and do geometry, alg. 2, precalc., calc. or business math for high school; but if he is not engineer, math or science major it won't matter much.
  5. My son when he was young had speach classes. I can understand him but he feels friends often have him repeat multisyllable r controlled vowel words and w words. This effects his desire to interact with others and asked me to help with it. He is entering 8th grade. Academically he is faily sound but does struggle with spelling and since spelling is an issue is easily frustrated with writing, I wonder how much of the spelling issues relate to speach. Any programs or ideas of how to work with him? Thanks in Advance!
  6. My son has answered the call to ministry and is considering being a missionary. Do you know where one can serve as a missionary for the "gap" year? Thanks
  7. My son is very hands on and we just finished Aleks middle school math. Not sure if he has covered all topics for pre-algebra or not. Think he's in between. He is bright but gets bored easily. Does LOF keep the child's attention and is there a placement test? Thanks
  8. Lots of folks major in history in undergraduate then define in graduate. For example I know of Dr. who wanted to study something they enjoyed and have their undergraduate in history.
  9. Anyone ever use this grammer program? Would u consider it a half or full credit? Likes/dislikes? Thanks!
  10. What is a good compact punctuation program for students using the Jr. analytical grammer program? Thanks!
  11. I began using megawords this school year for my 7th grader; nearing the end of book 1. Our intent was one unit per week; but with co-ops and other activities it is closer to one unit every 7-8 school days. It is definately helping with reading as well as spelling. I make megawords #1 priority on our school day. Currently 70% of all 9th graders read below grade level and that will effect all other areas of school so this is important to close any gaps now.
  12. I can say whan he reads flitting would be fitting but if asked to reread he will say it right. He reads the first would the comes to his mind if he doesn't know the meaning of a word like flitting. He does have some issues with multisylable words and megawords is helping. How do I know what grade level of timed reading I should use? Any recommendations on specific timed reading? Thanks a Bunch
  13. My 7th grader comprehends at or above level, probably is a littlle below as far as pronounciation, but is an extremely slow when he reads, any recommendations? Thanks a bunch!
  14. Can you count this as an elective on transcrip? If so, is it 1 credit per year? Thanks, Carol
  15. My son is doing MUS geometry, if you don't do the honors part it can be done in a semester. He will then do Alg. 2 and finish in summer.
  16. Wow-things are so different here in Alabama. In order to homeschool one must either be a certified teacher or join a church covering. Like joining a curch you must state you are a believer so most coverings require a statement of Faith since your joining this ministry though you may not be a part of the church. Most activities are done through coverings. I'd find it odd not to sign a statement of faith, it'd be like asking to join a church and not be a believer here.
  17. anyone use this? Pros and cons. Thanks
  18. I am using megawords with my 12 year old who has struggled with spelling and I am seeing progress but am debating on if I should add another approach, trying to play catch-up or would this be just confusing? Thanks
  19. Anyone know of an online biblical greek course that could be used for 2 years highschool credit? Carol
  20. MUS geometry can easily be done in a semester. Math is not my subject so I am hiring a math tutor for 1 1/2 hours per week and it will cost me $30 a week but he'll be accountable to someone besides me who can't offer explanations when he is stuck. Best of Luck Carol
  21. Has anyone used this online progarm? Carol
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