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Middle school online classes for 2nd semester

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My daughter is in 6th grade and this is likely our last year of homeschooling; her older brothers are now in high school and she wants to go to school, too. We've had a bit of a rocky start to the year with interpersonal dynamics (think preteen hormones) and I think it might be a good idea to start transitioning away from me being her primary teacher. She works harder for other teachers than she does for me and she has started to resent me requiring her to do her work. Her workload is quite reasonable for her age, perhaps even a bit light. We have a co-op but it is only twice a month and I'm actually teaching two of her three classes, by her choice, so that doesn't help. She isn't interested in other co-ops unless she can go with friends which isn't a possibility at this point. 

I realize it's probably too late to sign up for any middle school online classes for the current semester, but maybe 2nd semester? I'm not looking to outsource everything, but maybe just one or two things so that she can work on some executive function skills and take some pressure of our teacher-parent-child relationship. We are Christian, if that influences any recommendations. 

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You might try lit classes from www.centerforlit.com.  Kids read one book per month and discuss it in a single 2 hour live class, writing class is optional and runs weekly.  They usually have a semester 2 intake but they only just started their school year this month; you might be able to just join in from October?  Instructors are deeply Christian but the books and not their faith takes center stage.  Website has sample discussions you can listen to to get a feel for their classes.  Their approach teaches kids how to read a book and understand the author for themselves and is great prep for high school, college and just lifelong reading.

You might try their elementary (gr 5-6) class or middle school (gr 6-9).

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