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Lawns are the worst!


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13 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

Dh and I are currently debating our future yard options. I’m envisioning lots of low/no maintenance plants and a light grass/heavy clover cover where needed. Since maintenance tends to fall more on me, I think he should pipe down! But I guess he will be living there too, so I’m looking for compromise.

I imagine it’s a lot harder to pull the trigger on more natural options when living in a neighborhood where grass carpets are the norm!

Lol, I actually forget that lawn=grass carpet most places. I was thinking... weeding? I mean, I weed my flower and veggie beds, but as far as what I think of as our lawn... you mow it, and it's green. I mean, it has grass, but a whole bunch of different kinds, plus tons of clover and dandelions and violets, and many other green things I can't identify. Am I supposed to not want that? 😂  I rather like all the flowers... and the clover fixes nitrogen (fertilizer!) and the dandelion taproots aerate it.  All done! 😁

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6 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Lol, I actually forget that lawn=grass carpet most places. I was thinking... weeding? I mean, I weed my flower and veggie beds, but as far as what I think of as our lawn... you mow it, and it's green. I mean, it has grass, but a whole bunch of different kinds, plus tons of clover and dandelions and violets, and many other green things I can't identify. Am I supposed to not want that? 😂  I rather like all the flowers... and the clover fixes nitrogen (fertilizer!) and the dandelion taproots aerate it.  All done! 😁

Right?!?  Dh was just talking about how green our lawn was the other day. It is green... cuz lots of the stuff in it is green, but it’s a lot of random stuff.

Our neighborhood has changed over the years and there are more people doing suburban lawns now, but I don’t think it’s enough to consider the “norm”, nor is it required. We are required to keep any areas that aren’t left natural under something like 12”. As lazy as I am, that rule hasn’t been an issue for me, lol. Plus, with our rules about limiting clear cutting, most neighbors have woods between their houses, so one person’s golf course doesn’t join up with the next person’s jungle.

It’s been a long time since I lived in a suburban house, but I remember my mom being really upset about some people on our block having various chemical treatments brought in, and I think that bias is ingrained in me now. Of all things, it’s not the worst I could have gotten from her, lol.

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