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Patty Paper Geometry users?


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4 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

You can probably get by with a single box for the class.  It's something like a thousand sheets, and each student will use 2-10 per class.

If you find ones that are perfectly square, let me know the brand.

I was planning to get the ones in stock at Rainbow Resources. I will let you know though.

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8 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

You can probably get by with a single box for the class.  It's something like a thousand sheets, and each student will use 2-10 per class.

If you find ones that are perfectly square, let me know the brand.

Do you mean one box per student? So that they have enough to do the at home investigations as well?

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9 minutes ago, calbear said:

Do you mean one box per student? So that they have enough to do the at home investigations as well?

I ended up with a portion of the box left after a 12 week class with 7 kids, so it will depend on how many you have, how many weeks you do, and how many investigations/which style of investigation you do for that particular exercise (guided or open).  We didn't make it through the whole book, slowing down through some investigations to further the exploration/practice in other ways.

I want to use it again with my youngest, though, so if you find a good brand of paper that I don't have to cut 1/8 of an inch off of one side, that would be awesome.

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  • 9 months later...

I did it a few years ago. I handed out photocopies of the assignment pages each week and then we went over everybody's answers the next week. After reviewing the answers we did the next lesson in class. This was a weekly co-op. I added a few tangential topics out of interest and to fill a few additional weeks. The book isn't long or particularly challenging. I had a mixed age group of middle schoolers.

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I did an investigation per class meeting and spent about 90 minutes per investigation. I had a mixed group of middle and early high school (8 students) so some doing pre-algebra, algebra and some concurrent with geometry. The only investigation where the pre-A kids had problems was the last on of the Pythagorean theorem when we were working through binomial expressions. I was able to order student workbooks for everyone before they became unavailable and scanned in the additional assignments that aren't in the student workbooks but in the instructor book. Instead of going over the answers, I uploaded the answer key and had the kids check their own work at home so save on time because I was limited with the time I had to work with. 

I used the blue box from RR which worked just fine and had an envelope that I glued into each student book that I filled with patty paper for students to work with at home. One box sufficed for my needs.

I did organize to fun activities during the "season" to coincide with Christmas and the end of the session. We had a "pi" day and a burger day.

Edited by calbear
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