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Daily Movement - Wednesday, June 30

Jenny in Florida

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Happy Wednesday, halfway through the week. (Sometimes, I realize that if I weren't responsible for starting this thread, I might not know what day it is at all.) Hope everyone is going strong. 

These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!

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I finally feel like I might be making some progress towards adjusting to the new wake-up schedule. I woke up this morning before the alarm even buzzed. Although I got pinned by a cat demanding attention for about 15 minutes, I still was out of bed, dressed and out for a walk earlier than I have been any time in the last two weeks. 

The dog and I logged almost 4.8K, and I did a full set of legs and arms. (The dog mostly observed that part, although she does sometimes bring her toy into the bedroom and play with that while I "play" with my weights.) 

Summer Splash Challenge Update: 98.9 of 500K
Daily Walking Streak: 123 Days
West Orange Trail: 3 of 22 miles


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I got a cortisone shot in my neuroma impacted foot this afternoon, then went on a 2 mile walk with my parents (conversational pace, but it felt like sauna level heat!). (Yes, Junie, some better than none. I really need to take that to heart.)

The podiatrist recommended surgery to remove the nerve that has the neuroma. I was surprised. Taken aback really. I've seen 4-5 podiatrists over the past 16 years, and no one said that before.

I hope conservative measures (orthotics, some movement limits, this shot) will get me back to ok. It seems like I would be better served exhausting less invasive options first. I said that. He said "If you want to keep limiting your movement, you can. Otherwise, I think you need surgery."

It was discouraging to put it mildly. I probably should get other podiatrist opinions. My head is spinning. 


Edited by sbgrace
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On 6/30/2021 at 11:46 PM, sbgrace said:

I hope conservative measures (orthotics, some movement limits, this shot) will get me back to ok. It seems like I would be better served exhausting less invasive options first. I said that. He said "If you want to keep limiting your movement, you can. Otherwise, I think you need surgery."

It was discouraging to put it mildly. I probably should get other podiatrist opinions. My head is spinning. 

I can imagine that had to be hard to hear. Like you, I keep hoping I will discover a way or a combination of only slightly invasive ways to manage my "stuff" and be okay. I have no illusions I'll become a world class athlete -- I've been laughably far away from that even on my very best day -- but I would like to be able to get through my life taking care of myself and others without being so badly limited by pain and weakness. 

Every doctor I've seen, though, has basically either shrugged, offered more or stronger drugs (despite my explanations that everything makes me either sleepy or queasy or both) or suggested more invasive procedures that make me wince to think about. 

What I would really, dearly love is a doctor who was invested in trying to figure out why I have these issues and how to actually heal or at least manage them by addressing root causes.


I hope you can find another podiatrist whose approach aligns with your goals.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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