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Gifts for 5 year old?? Suggestions, please!

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I have no idea what to get my dd 5 (adhd/pdd). She will sit for a video game..V Smile... (she hardly does this though)..but I do not really want to get her more. She isn't really doing kindergarten but can write letters, knows the sounds of letters, identifies the first sound in a word, writes words (if you tell her how to spell them), counts 1-100 and is memorizing Bible verses. She knows her colors, etc... Oh, her sister taught her how to crochet chains.

Will not sit long unless she cuts, glues, and tapes everything!!! Knows how to use a screwdriver and knows how to take things apart and put back together again!

I was thinking of erector sets. We have never had these so what do you think? Do you think she is to young for the felt sewing kits?

She does have tinkertoys. We have wedgits. We have legos, but the small ones. I'm not sure if these are really challenging enough. I was thinking of k-nex but thought they might break easily. Are there any toys that I have not heard of??

I would love to hear all your suggestions and thank you very much!

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My almost 5 year old is getting the Leap Frog writing pad (I think that's what it's called) from my parents for Christmas. Leap Frog has several nice toys for young ones to teach them letter sounds, etc. She's getting the math one for her birthday next month. I hear lots of good things about their toys. Google Leap Frog and you can probably find out more info.


She's also getting art supplies. She loves glitter glue, scissors, sequins, white glue, and lots of paper. Keeps her real busy and she can do her own thing.


Hope you find something.

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Erector sets are way complicated. We got them for my 9 year old last year (who is ADHD as well and VERY capable of building/putting things together...like a double sided 1000 piece puzzle he did last year) and he could not even do the erector sets. My dh ended up doing them for the kids. :( We were disappointed.


How about puzzles, videos, and lots of craft materials that she can cut, glue, tape, and just be creative with? ...Her very own craft items to use as she likes...??? We are doing this for my 5 year old who is NOT adhd...he also loves to cut, glue, tape, and "craft."

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My adhd daughter loved legos and lincoln logs at that age. She would spend hours building houses with legos, oblivious to the world.


She found puzzles to be frustrating, though.


How about some crafting supplies of her own? Beads, different glues, glitter, colorful scrapbooking paper, stickers, foam pieces and feathers could keep her busy for hours. Organize it all in a craft supplies box or a tackle box. Throw in a stack of construction paper, some markers or crayons and her own scissors and she'll be set. :)

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Kid k'nex can be fun for that age. The regular knex can be difficult for little fingers and the directions may be complicated. But with kid k'nex its easier to create any kind of creature she desires.


They do make a kiddie version of erector sets, but I have no experience withthem. But I do agree that the regular sets are probably be too difficult for a 5 year old.


What about one of those exercise balls (Don't some adhd kids use them for sitting instead of a chair while doing there school work?)


Lots of craft stuff sounds good. Tape and paper fasteners and glue sticks can make great stocking stuffers!!


My dd at 5 liked dress up clothes, play silks, art supplies, Polly Pockets and My Little Ponies and anything princess.

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