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Awesome live eagle-cam: she's laid two eggs and now we wait!!


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Hi Everyone,

I don't have elementary kids anymore -- mine are 17 -- but I wanted to share this awesome eagle-cam with you!! There's a private college in Georgia called Berry. In 2012 they realized a mom and dad eagle-pair had nested high in the trees. So, of course the school immediately trained three cameras on the nest. Poor eagles: can they get five seconds to themselves?! 🙃

Anyhoo, the eagles are totally unaware of the light (infrared at night so invisible to the eagles) and cameras. The mom-eagle layed one egg on January 1 and a second egg on January 4. Now the two take turns sitting on the eggs (with the mom doing most of the sitting). Shocker. I kid! Dads, I kid!!

Eagles can lay up to three eggs in a "clutch," so one more egg might be coming. (She appears to be laying from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm.) There are three cameras and I love camera one because it has sound. There are lesson plans and everything.

Eagle Nest Cam One

I hope you and the kids have fun!


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thank you.  I will be looking at it even with my high school and college kiddo!!  My college kiddo just asked me when it was time for the eagle watch in our area, and I just looked it up, and it is this weekend.  This is something we do as a family often in January.  Thanks for the web cam! 


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Thanks for this.  We watched Berry eagles several years in a row and sometimes wondered if others on here were watching too.  Loved it when they made it the whole way to first flight.  Felt sad when some didn't make it. eggs crushed, non viable, or the walk off the edge of the nest that one year (that was heartbreaking to see nature like that).   didn't watch last year.  Ending up getting our nature streams on cat rescue sites. 

and it says on the info that it's a new Berry Female.  oh wow.  exciting.  the female we watched all those years had about 10 make it to fledgling. awwww thanks for sharing.   might be a fun hobby to pick back up.  oh, and Gena F is still sharing her photography on the FB page.  yes! She is awesome quality with photos of Berry eagles.

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