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Should I paint my wooden feature wall?


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14 hours ago, MeaganS said:

I would definitely paint it. White probably, although navy would be cool. I wouldn't do gray because gray undertones can be tricky to match with other colors in the room.

Not quite the same but here is a bookshelf/built-in wall that I recently redid and I think it makes a huge difference in how the room feels. I'm all for painting dated-feeling wood, although I know there are die-hard wood fans out there and I got some backlash from a few Facebook friends about it when I posted I was going to do it in my feed.




May I ask what color this is? I showed it to Dh and he says that color is what he has in mind for our kitchen cabinets.   I could agree on this one, it is beautiful. 

Edited by Scarlett
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6 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

May I ask what color this is? I showed it to Dh and he says that color is what he has in mind for our kitchen cabinets.   I could agree on this one, it is beautiful. 

Thank you! It's Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. My SIL told me to use it (I'm horrible with color) and I'm very happy with it. If you Google it, you'll see other examples. My camera isn't the best at capturing the nuance of colors well. 

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Ill be another vote to keep the wood,  I think it could look really pretty. The yellow paint on the walls is fighting the tone of the wood. I would paint the walls a different color that works better with the wood. I would also paint the double door a different color. I would spend more time on putting faux stone/boulder veneer on the fireplace. I know you didn't ask for all this, but I think you would have a really pretty room. Here's a beach style idea 


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OP here.  Thanks, everyone!  Lots to think about.  Honestly, I'll probably just keep it.  You all have convinced me it will be a tremendous amount of work to do anything to it, and since I'm still ambiguous, I'm going to keep it.

I (Dh actually) will probably repaint the walls and french doors next year.  Dh has other priorities at the moment.

Thanks, again!  I'm signing off of this thread.  

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