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History in the Woods Time Travelers?


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How obnoxious are they, for the parent? My one kid LOVES hands on stuff, and Im thinking of caving and getting one of their studies, so she can be hands on to her heart's content. But do the foldy things all WORK or is this setting me up for epic failure where nothing goes together like it should?

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We have the "Record of Time" book and the guide for placement (it tells you where to put the stickers so that they all fit).  https://store.homeschoolinthewoods.com/products/record-of-time-timeline-notebook

In the beginning, I printed all the stickers the size needed for the Record of Time. This is when you really want to think about if you want the text that elaborates or not. I waffled midway. I don't recommend that.  😃

I generally would cut out the stickers and put them in an envelope marked with the year. This part is tedious because to save space, not every sticker on a page is in a certain year span. Sometimes they stick one in an open spot that is a few years out, if that makes sense. You can print stickers individually, but sticker paper can be expensive, so I didn't do that.

My kids, when they were younger, had trouble getting the backing off of the sticker. So I would fold just a little bit of the sticker paper back so they could peel easily. This was also tedious, but it depends on how many you plan to do in a given year. You could do the peeling by week. It's pretty brainless.  😃 

If you didn't use sticker paper, then all you have to worry about is cutting them out and mounting them. One of the "record of time" binders I bought had about two pages done (it was used). The owner had tried to print the timeline figure on white paper, mount it on colored paper, and then mount that in the book. It seems they ran out of steam fast, because they never went past those two pages. 

I never did a wall timeline, but you can use these for that.  You can print them very large and have him put them on the wall.  

YMMV. I generally hate crafts and so do my boys. Any attempt at a lapbook has been despised.  So I was very practical and non-scrapbooky with it. I can see a more creative soul doing a lot more with it and actually making it look nice.  😃

ETA: I am not sure what you mean about foldy things but that is probably because I am craft avoidant. LOL

Edited by cintinative
record of time not book of time
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Sonlight sells a few lap books from Homeschool in the Woods, customized to their cores. They’re not cheap, but the kits include everything printed out, in order, and all of the supplies you need. They also include an instruction manual. I’m trying them this year ... we will see how it goes! 

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