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Apologia General Science 3rd edition


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We haven't started back to school yet, but I listened to the audiobook and read along with the text for the first lesson yesterday. I also watched the videos for it. This was only the first lesson, but so far the videos primarily seem to be a regurgitation of the text, which I'm okay with. This way DD will be getting the information twice in two formats. (Although, watching the videos does take up more time.) Our schedule is tight this year. I was really hoping the program would only take four days a week as stated, but I think it could easily expand to five days and beyond with the experiments and lab sheets. We have an hour a day in our schedule for it and I just don't think DD could do reading, the notebook, a lab, and lab report all in one day and still come in under an hour. We're going to attempt it as scheduled, but I can already see some labs that we'll just watch the videos for because we've completed or attempted similar labs in the past. For example, we won't be destroying a heavy book by dropping it repeatedly. We also won't be attempting the sundial. We've tried creating sundials in past science programs and it's always fall/winter/cloudy/rainy when the experiment rolls around. We're over it. Lol.

PS - I'll try to remember to pop back in and report more about the video lessons after viewing more of them.

10 hours ago, Paradox5 said:

I'm so sorry I didn't get back to the OP. I'm glad someone else stepped up.

We are using it as scheduled without experiments for now. When work slows a bit, dh will do them with Son 4 all at one time. He often does 2 days in a day because he really likes it.

We aren't using the videos. We are burned out from BJU dlo videos last year. I am considering them for Physical Science next semester. I would love feedback on them from someone who has used them, though. Does she only set up the experiments/demonstrations or do them? Is she just regurgitating the text ala BJU or is she adding to the lessons?


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