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Word Problem Supplements


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Please spam me with recommendations of word problem workbooks you've used (and loved) with your kiddos.

My boys will be starting 7th and 4th in August, and have been using CLE math (still undecided if we will continue that). Next year in our weekly schedule, I want to incorporate logic puzzles/critical thinking exercises (I've got those covered), and extra word problems that are of a different style/more challenging than what they have come across thus far. I had ordered some levels of FAN-Math Process Skills in Problem Solving, but just received a canceled order notice due to no international shipping from that particular vendor. I decided to take that turn of events as an opportunity to get other recommendations.

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We always used the Singapore Math Challenging Word Problems. They are a lot harder than FAN math Process Skills in Problem Solving, maybe a full year or so ahead IMO. I generally had my kids do the CWP independently at a level a year behind their grade.

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