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"The Last Unicorn" - appropriate for an 8 yo?

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Emma *loves* the movie version of "The Last Unicorn," so I bought her the book for Christmas. Imagine my surprise when I found it in the teen fiction section! I'm reading it myself, but I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone else has read it.


I'm not very far into it and already the unicorn has told the witch that in order to keep the harpy she (the witch) would have to offer her own liver (cut out of her body), not someone else's, as the witch was threatening. It's not gory, but ick, anyway. Doesn't bother me for me, but I'm not sure about my 8 yo. Wondering what else I will find, you know?


The language is definitely for an older audience than, say, the Boxcar Children or other things she reads. I'm good with challenging her in that respect and I think she's up for it.

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I'm probably not much help, but I loved Peter Beagle when I wasn't much older than that... A Fine and Private Place was my favorite. I do know that his intended audience is adults, and I pilfered it from my Dad's book case.


I would imagine you would have to determine how sensitive to such things she is. My 7 year old is reading the Narnia series... no issues, but there are parts that are graphically violent. She doesn't seem to get bogged down in them, though, they're just part of the story.

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The Last Unicorn has been one of my favorite movies for as long as I can remember. I think I was 10 or so when I found the book, and at that age, I found it doable, but less interesting than the story of the movie. Of course, as I got older, and re-read it, I got more out of the story. I could appreciate it much more. Like you said, the language is intended for older people, but I do not remember encountering anything blatantly horrible. There is so much good stuff, like saying that the maiden must be won with kindness, courage and charitable acts, or something like that.


So I would say go ahead, but my opinion mean very little because I am very liberal when it comes to literature. And neither me nor my daughter are or ever have been bothered by intense or gory scenarios.

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If she is reading the boxcar children series, then the last unicorn might be best saved for a bit unless you want to share it as a read aloud. My dd loved The Unicorn's Secret series by Kathleen Duey at that reading level. I think Moonsilver is the first one. They are the level right after easy chapter books and before the meatier stuff.

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If she is reading the boxcar children series, then the last unicorn might be best saved for a bit unless you want to share it as a read aloud. My dd loved The Unicorn's Secret series by Kathleen Duey at that reading level. I think Moonsilver is the first one. They are the level right after easy chapter books and before the meatier stuff.


She reads a lot more complicated stuff than this, actually. She reads anything she sets her mind that she wants to read. I might let her have it for Christmas (as long as the rest of the book checks out OK) and then if she has a hard time with it and wants to read it aloud with me, we'll do that. She's an excellent reader; I just can't think of the other things she's reading at the moment. She loves Nancy Drew, etc. I will look into those unicorn books you mentioned, though, because my younger dd will like them and probably Emma will too. Thanks!

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Then it should be fine. It is one of those really good stories. It is on our shelf next to The Hobbit and the first couple from Harry Potter for reading level and age-appropriateness - at least that is where my ds shelved it.


If she enjoys the fantasy books, take a look at the Sister's Grimm series. My dd loves those right now. I have had to ban her from reading in bed for a week because she was up reading after I went to bed to finish the books - wonder where she got that from. :)

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