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Recommendations for Bibles for my two pre-teen sons...

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Does anyone know of a Bible that would really catch their attention? Right now we have one of the Adventure Bibles and one of the Luke 2:52, both NIrV, I believe.


I want to get them each one for Christmas that is more like a "real, grown-up" Bible, you know, that isn't hardcover, that I could have their names imprinted on. As far as translation, I was thinking NASB maybe? What about one with pictures (not story book, but real pictures)? Needs to be reasonable priced, under $30....


I have been looking on the net at a Holman Christian Standard Student Study Bible. It has lots of pictures, but not sure about the translation. Have always been KJV or NKJV here, but we're open. Also, the cover is a fabric that doesn't take imprinting, so where could I get a name plate type thing to stick on the front?


Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated! I've looked at Bibles on the computer til I'm losing my mind!




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I highly recommend the NLT version--it is by far the most easily read translation available.


After that I would recommend the NIV.


I think the wording of the NASB and the NKJV are more difficult, more adult. I would steer away from both of those for children.


Try going to this site and comparing a couple verses in several different versions to see which are the most user-friendly:



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When ds was 16, his youth group leader, Andy, took him out for breakfast (at 6:15 am--the man is a saint), and gave him a One Year Bible. It's just paperback, but ds19 has used it for devotions for 3 years.

You can get them in a beautiful leather binding--I have one. I got it for my birthday (actually a gift from Andy's wife and another df!), and my friends put little post-it notes with greetings on some of the special days in my life--my birthday, Easter that year, some days that had special verses they liked--It's been so sweet, going thru it and "discovering" a note from them.

It has helped me with having a daily devotion, although I'm more lax than I should be. Perhaps your sons would like to have this sort of Bible.

Oh, and even tho I don't like it AT ALL for memorization or usual reading or study, for devotional reading The Message translation is very interesting. (My son's was NIV, as was mine. Since you've already given them the NlrV, you could just step it up to the regular NIV.)

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