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Auditory people... isn't it hard to keep

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everyone here sorted out if your main way of functioning is hearing people's voices? When I read a post by someone I know personally, I hear their voice reading it, but with all the rest it is tough because I cannot hear them. When I cannot hear them, they all get jumbled around. Am I the only one??? I cannot wait until we can get a board where we can really "talk" to each other instead of this lifeless typing.:D I came to this insight after the post about mixing people up. I remember all the happenings and silly things and tough times, but I don't remember who they are all attributed to. I pray for the hurting posters, but not by name. I'm sure God can sort it all out. For the last two weeks of posting I've had a very deep laryngitis voice but you wouldn't know it here. :001_smile: Remember when we used to sing on the boards? (Please ignore the spelling here, my spell checker is on vacation.)

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I am pretty visual and I have been coming here and the old boards for years now, and I still don't keep track of everyone. Some people (maybe 20-30 here?) stick in my mind for one reason or another, but the vast majority are a blur. The names become familiar, but the person behind the name is not clear to me. I notice other people seem to really remember people here better than me. I have considered keeping a list for myself- this person write this really cool post that I related to, so remember them next time- but I have never got around to it- I probably wouldnt read my own list. I think some people do that, though.

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