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Gift cards for businesses


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So, I accidentally posted this on the wrong board...retyping it here...not smart enough to figure out how to move it!!

Just a thought. I was out buying heart medicine for my old lady beagle yesterday, and had an idea.  I asked our veterinarian if we could “pre-pay” for our next service.  She has been our vet forever, and had just started her own practice a couple of weeks before the shut down. She seemed thrilled. Her business is really hurting.

I’m also way too much of a germaphobe to eat takeout right now, but we have begun to call local restaurants and purchase gift cards over the phone. I heard this idea on a podcast, and thought it was a great suggestion to help local restaurants through this time.

I do know that these suggestions are not possible for everyone, and that our contribution is just a drop in the bucket. However, I just wanted to pass along the ideas in case anyone else is in the position to do the same.

I’m off to “pre-pay” for a cut and color.  This one hurts. I really need a cut and color now.  I’m thinking of covering the mirrors in my house...

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This is a great idea to support businesses, but also remember that some of these places may no longer exist when this is over. Think about it as a donation, with a possible reward at the end. Kinda like buying a raffle ticket. 

There are many businesses that will not recover from this. Especially ones that were fledglings to begin with. Stimulus may get money into the economy right now, but lots of business owners can't afford to go back to rebuilding from almost scratch once this is over. They also may not want to. My husband works in management, in an industry that supports the food/beverage (among others) industry. He handles the contracts that people have with his company. There are a lot of devastated businesses owners out there right now, who don't know what they will do in a month....let alone the 6-12 months that it will take them to recover from lost revenue for 1 month. 

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1 hour ago, Tap said:

This is a great idea to support businesses, but also remember that some of these places may no longer exist when this is over. Think about it as a donation, with a possible reward at the end. Kinda like buying a raffle ticket. 

There are many businesses that will not recover from this. Especially ones that were fledglings to begin with. Stimulus may get money into the economy right now, but lots of business owners can't afford to go back to rebuilding from almost scratch once this is over. They also may not want to. My husband works in management, in an industry that supports the food/beverage (among others) industry. He handles the contracts that people have with his company. There are a lot of devastated businesses owners out there right now, who don't know what they will do in a month....let alone the 6-12 months that it will take them to recover from lost revenue for 1 month. 

I think you are 100% right.  I do view it as a very hopeful donation.  So sad and scary.

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