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All face-to-face classes and labs at my college are cancelled


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11 minutes ago, G5052 said:

I am an online-only 3/4 time professor, so it doesn't affect me as much, but the president just announced this to the faculty and is having a press conference this afternoon. 

Following the lead of places like Stanford and Harvard.

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My alma mater hasn't cancelled classes yet but I think they should--they had a person with symtomatic covid-19 infection at their basketball game last week--shortly before the person tested positive and was hospitalized.

How many people at the game were exposed? How quickly could that spread on a college campus?

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If what I saw on UF Reddit a couple hours ago is true, the on campus clinic closed sometime this morning (we can imagine why). I just saw an article saying UF is mandating online classes starting Friday and it looks like FSU just announced they're going to mandatory online classes after spring break. Earlier this morning there was confirmation that there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in Alachua County (where UF is located). Given the packed state of most college campuses, coronavirus could spread quickly. It's good there is online class tech.

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It helps that it is a community college. So all of our students are commuters and/or online students.

Just got an email that a professor from my college is now sick who visited relatives in early March who now have the coronavirus. We are still on spring break, but some shorter classes are in session. They closed the campus for deep cleaning. 

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