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Math issues


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I recall I did not like Singapore Math until level 3. I own all the textbooks and some supplemental books through level 6. Daughter was doing Math In Focus at her charter school. It was not going the best, but the teacher was not good at teaching it.  The teacher would make up weird worksheets on lined paper and then xerox them and hand them out and none of the kids or parents really knew what she was getting at.  She pretty much got through MIF 2A. At home, she can test out of 2A of US edition Singapore Math, but I can see she is really working at it. However, she did get the problems correct. I started with Beast Academy 2A, which I had at home anyway. Daughter hated it. She said right off she hates the monsters. Then, she hated the problems. They were too hard, they were too puzzle like. They were not straight forward enough. Fine. Then I started with Singapore Math 2B. She can do it, but it is clear she is struggling and working hard during the lessons. (is it okay to use manipulatives for everything?) Then I got the bright idea to back up and just do 2A. Okay, fine. She has joy in this. It is so easy for her! She is enjoying it because it is easy. Also, she is an older 2nd grader. She turned 8 at the beginning of the year. 

I am toying with 1) just starting with book 2A   2) going forward with book 2B and not concerning myself with how much we use manipulatives 3) picking a different program. For other programs,  I am seriously considering MM or TGTB or Math for a Living Education. Also, FYI, she used to be good at math. I think the charter school wore her down, a lot. I am also seriously considering the first two options. I am totally on the fence about this!

Edited by Janeway
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I think any of those options are valid.

I would start over with 2A if your daughter being frustration free is the most important factor for you.  I bet she would blow through it and gain a lot of confidence.  You could skip pages on topics she's super solid on if you wanted, and fill any holes that might be leftover from her charter experience.

I would start with 2B if being "behind" is itching at you, though I don't know that a 2nd grader in Sing 2 is behind.  I would ABSOLUTELY use manipulatives, especially with any new concepts. My child in Algebra 1 used manipulatives today.  

I would change programs if you plain hate Singapore and can't enjoy using it.  I only have experience with MM out if your alternate choices and it would definitely feel incrimental compared to Singapore, it moves in small steps with LOTS of practice.  Like, so, much, practice.  I'm not sure it's a great choice for a child that's good at math.  

Edited by Coco_Clark
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I agree with everyone who said 2A. Building solid foundations will prevent problems down the road.

I had almost the same situation (good at math and enjoyed it, then unhappy, didn't like BA, felt behind). We have loved MM. It does have lots of practice but Maria Miller specifically says that an average child should do about half the problems. The rest are for extra practice. So I cross out about half, or we skip whole pages if he's solid on something. Then we do all the problems when we need to. We also skip sections like geometry in order to ensure plenty of time to cement the basic four operations, knowing we can always circle back later. 

What I liked about MM was that it was so cheap for all grades 1-6 when it was on sale at homeschool buyers co-op (which I think it might be now too?). So I figured even if I only used it to print off relevant review problems or shore up some difficult issue it would be worth it.

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