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what could we use to bridge the gap between LC 2 and "big kid" curriculums?


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My son is in 3rd grade and we are scheduled to finish LC II by the end of this year. I've been taking a look at Henle online, and it just doesn't seem like something he could stomach by the 4th grade. At the same time, I know that if we don't keep hard at work drilling declensions and conjugations, he will forget everything we have invested so much in learning. He understands and has learned the content, but I don't think it is solid enough to have taken up permanent residence in his head. As I have been looking at some of the more reading focused materials, they don't look like they would provide enough organized grammar. translation drill. What do you think we should trackle next? If we went into LFC Primer C, is the scope and sequence different enough to get us lost? ( I have no Latim background.) I can't afford to buy the other books in the series just for review. Any other suggestions? Thanks!



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Your dc is a year ahead of where mine was. Mine finished LCII at the end of 4th grade. We began Latin in the Christian Trivium. I, too, looked at Henle, and it just looked dull, dull, dull. However, I think you could do Henle with the Memoria Press syllabus and be fine, as I think it moves pretty slowly anyway. Maybe try that for a year and see how it goes???


Not sure I was helpful. :confused:

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You could do Latin for Children. It would be review, but it has the readers and puzzles, plus the extra review couldn't hurt. There will probably be new vocabulary.


Just a thought...


p.s. Beth's Bookshop is having a holiday sale (nope, not related to her nor do I make commission)



Edited by MicheleinMN
remembered Beth's sale
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