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November Frugalistas


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Took 4 bags to donation. 

Donated some baby formula to the food bank. 

Found a place I can donate new toys for the holidays.  I have been looking for a wish tree and can't find one.    I miss doing that with the kids.  It is just open donating toys, which isn't as fun.  But at least I found a place. 


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15 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:


Found a place I can donate new toys for the holidays.  I have been looking for a wish tree and can't find one.    I miss doing that with the kids.  It is just open donating toys, which isn't as fun.  But at least I found a place.

We have the same issue here.  Before, it was always tradition in our house to take an angel off the tree the same age/gender as our kids, and shop for them together.  The kids would get really involved because they "knew what a __yo likes, mom!" 😄 And it helped adopt some of the teens off the tree.  We still donate toys, but it's not quite the same as playing Santa.

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6 hours ago, beckyjo said:

Having an overall bad $ month here:

DH was in a car accident; he's fine, but the car is totaled. The other person was at fault so it was all covered under their insurance. Unfortunately, our car was a 2001, so worth all of $2100. I don't know how we are supposed to replace what was a great car for $2100. We can't really do 1 car as DD needs to get to the north part of the city for community college 4 days a week, and DH needs to get to the south part of the city 5 days a week. Also, DH is sent sometime out to other work locations - no real schedule since he is a computer tech, so it's when there is a problem. DH is very, very stressed about the car situation, and because of that, he won't listen to any suggestions I have for a car. He is focused on getting a car NOW no matter how much it costs us. 

DD finally got a diagnosis on her heart problems. She needs quite a bit that is over the counter, so I've spent over $200 in OTC meds/supplies/etc. The problem isn't life-threatening so overall, we're happy. The doctor wants her to ride a stationary bike or swim for exercise; neither of which we can have her do without spending $. Fortunately for her (and not for my wallet), she can do Tae Kwon Do again, although the doctor isn't thrilled with it as an exercise choice, but it is allowed.

The orthodontist uncovered a large cavity in DD's tooth when they straightened it, so that will need to be fixed. We already owe the dentist over $700 which is on a payment plan, so I'm feeling defeated there.

I only taught 5 VIPKid classes this month, which I guess every little bit helps, but $45 isn't going to go far. I need to work on marketing (redo my video, because I did it the week FIL died just to get the contract signed), but with DD's medical and the car accident and trying to help MIL navigate everything after FIL's death last month, I haven't gotten up the energy or found the time. It feels like just one more thing on my to-do list. The other problem with VIPKid is our laptops are all ancient, and the app doesn't play nice with our old equipment. I'm sure my classes look pretty bad since I have to teach from the "old classroom" all the time, but it is what it is. I don't know when or if we'll be able to replace a laptop.

Oldest went to the doctor, and she changed/added meds, so more prescriptions. Also, ordered an ultrasound. I also have an ultrasound order for a baseline. All of which is more medical money out the door. Oldest's has been done/mine has not yet. 

Somehow, I need to figure out Christmas presents, finding both time and money to shop. DD's are already shopping (DH has been taking them, and I think? he's paying since my kids don't really have $). I don't know what $ he is spending, since I haven't seen anything in the account, so I'm afraid he's using a credit card. I don't know how to address that since I am very happy they are finally getting into the giving spirit. 

On the plus side: 

My mom invited us to FL for Christmas. She is paying for our drive/flights (I will be driving with younger 2 kids and my MIL/DH & oldest will fly for a shorter time). I don't know what that will do to my VIPKId bookings (although I really only have 1 regular student thus far, so maybe it won't affect much of anything?). There's really no where in a small house with 8 people to teach except maybe by the pool, but that might be too loud. 


Overall, I think it just comes down to the fact that we need to be pulling in more $. I just don't know how I am going to fit in a job around MIL, DDs' schedules and DDs' medical appointments, etc. DH's job isn't allowing more than a couple of hours of overtime, and recently with the medical unknowns and taking a morning off for dealing with the insurance company for the car, he's not even getting that. I'm feeling overwhelmed and heartsick right now. 

Oh no! Beckyjo, our lives seem to be speeding down the same track. Cars and medical and house stuff that we can’t really pay/plan for. I am so sorry. 

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