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Any suggestions for a Grammar book for a 6th grader?


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I hate the little workbooks we find at the parent-teacher store - they just don't give enough explanations.


My sixth grader has been in public school for several years. His grasp of grammar is awful. We are doing writing strands and he's studying Latin, but I need a book/series to work through for the long term that will really give him an understanding of language.


What do you suggest?

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Try Growing With Grammar. We LOVE this series. You can even go back a level for extra review. It is well written an easy to complete each day (10-15 min.). Not too tasking on me (mom) and my children retain the information well.


Another suggestion (I have not used it but my friend does) is Jr. Analytical Grammar and then move onto Analytical Grammar in 7th.

Edited by Tina in WA
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Another vote for Easy Grammar.


Dd was in public school through 5th grade and had no knowledge of grammar. We did a year of Voyages, and she couldn't retain it because it was too much for her to digest. We are doing Easy Grammar this year and she says grammar is really clicking for her. I haven't heard one complaint.


It might help to consider learning style. Dd does much better using a workbook for grammar. That is probably another reason why Easy Grammar has been a success. An auditory learner might do well with a textbook and going through some exercises aloud, but our dd didn't.


From our experience, I would always recommend starting below level if you have any doubts. Or, make sure you get good advice about placement. Our big mistake was starting out too high and wasting a year.


Wishing you the best!

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We love Warriner's English Grammar and Composition. I have the 1977 edition.


My friend's son got near excellent score on the language arts portion of ACT and SAT.


Since we are trying to prepare our children for college, I highly recommend this program.


You can find the student textbooks on ebay.


The TM and tests are harder to find.


Your child is guaranteed to know grammar and usage after using this program.:001_smile:

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