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Recommendations for healing road rash


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So it’s a long story, but essentially, two weeks ago my youngest son was on his bike and was hit by a car traveling 40 mph. It is a complete miracle that he is not more seriously injured, but our biggest issue right now is dealing with his severe road rash that he has all up and down the left side of his face and body. We were told to treat it like 2nd degree burns because it is so deep. 

We have been really diligent about keeping him slathered in bacitracin and keeping things covered with non-adhesive pads and wrapped in gauze. He is healing nicely and is now at the point where he has stopped oozing (sorry TMI), and the underlayers of skin are starting to come back. 

We are concerned about scarring, particularly on his face, and wondering about what products you may recommend to help prevent that. I have been hesitant to try anything different than what they did at the hospital until the obvious raw skin has healed a bit. 

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Silvadene. It’s a silver impregnated Rx cream for burns but severe road rash is very similar to a burn in that it takes off layers of skin.

Beyond that, Mederma (or the generic) and a very strong SPF sunscreen. Our best protection against scarring has been sun protection for those first 3-4 years. Otherwise you can get darkening of damaged skin that never lightens back to normal. Dd is 4 years in from a really bad accident and this past year a lot of the area has gone back to match her non damaged skin.

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I had severe road rash from a roller blading incident. I kept it slathered in neosporan and developed an allergy to it. So be on the lookout for puffy redness and itching. That was 20 years ago and I still can't use antibiotic ointments -- but now my reaction goes systemic/hives. Maybe use some Vaseline/CeraVe healing ointment/aquafor instead, to protect and keep it from sticking to the pads?

My abrasion was mostly leg/thigh/butt and has healed to where you can't see it. With parts that would get sun exposure, that's a consideration. Once it's healed a bit, protect it from the sun. 

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