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Looking for a Body Lotion with SPF Protection ......


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We are going to be living where we will be getting a lot of exposure to the sun and it’s so easy to go outside for just a minute and spend a half hour.  I wear a makeup that is SPF 20 so I am comfortable with my facial coverage for short periods but I would love to find a way to protect my arms, neck, and legs.    I use  Neutrogena Dry Skin sunscreen when planning to be out for extended periods but it wipes off on armrests etc so not the daily solution I am hoping for.  I want a lotion that soaks in and moisturizes with the spf bonus, I guess.  Something with some sun protection mixed in for both me and Dh to use daily, preferably unscented.  Does such a thing exist?

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This is my interpretation of what my dermatologist told me. So take this information, as second hand, non-professional, information. 😎 I had skin cancer on my neck, and my derm told me that  if I was blaming my lack of sunscreen use on getting cancer, to rethink it. I  wasn't, but he gets that question a lot. He told me that what most people use as a daily moisturizer with  SPF does very, very little to protect them. That for SPF to really offer protection, it has to be a thick layer of actual sunscreen (not a body/face lotion) and reapplied every 2 hours, since your body will start to sweat off/absorb/rub off the protection in that time.  He said that women who wear facial products with sunscreen only benefit from the SPF for the 1st 2 hours of their day (driving to work or a morning walk) and then feel like they have protection all day long...but they don't. By the time a few hours have passed....and especially after work or in the afternoon, the protection is spotty, or non-existant. He encourages avoiding the sun (hats, sitting in the shade etc), or using an actual sunscreen when you are planning to be in the sun, as much more effective in avoiding skin cancer than daily spf lotion use. 

Edited by Tap
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8 hours ago, Tap said:

This is my interpretation of what my dermatologist told me. So take this information, as second hand, non-professional, information. 😎 I had skin cancer on my neck, and my derm told me that  if I was blaming my lack of sunscreen use on getting cancer, to rethink it. I  wasn't, but he gets that question a lot. He told me that what most people use as a daily moisturizer with  SPF does very, very little to protect them. That for SPF to really offer protection, it has to be a thick layer of actual sunscreen (not a body/face lotion) and reapplied every 2 hours, since your body will start to sweat off/absorb/rub off the protection in that time.  He said that women who wear facial products with sunscreen only benefit from the SPF for the 1st 2 hours of their day (driving to work or a morning walk) and then feel like they have protection all day long...but they don't. By the time a few hours have passed....and especially after work or in the afternoon, the protection is spotty, or non-existant. He encourages avoiding the sun (hats, sitting in the shade etc), or using an actual sunscreen when you are planning to be in the sun, as much more effective in avoiding skin cancer than daily spf lotion use. 

I think that is probably very true as it makes complete sense......coverage will be limited for a very few hours.  But I am currently thinking a few hours is a place to start.  I do think my husband’s greatest period of greatest unthinking exposure is in the morning....he tends to go outside and get caught by a neighbor for a lengthy chat before sitting down to work.  I think I can get him to moisturize as a habit each morning on his neck and arms but he would never agree to sunscreen that early in the day because he doesn’t plan his mornings outside.  😉 I am hoping to start a habit and to get him to improve at putting sunscreen on more frequently in general over the next year......he is my major concern (redhead with a history of skin issues).  I plan to lead by example......he wears a baseball type hat almost always.  I plan to go hat shopping and find a nice floppy hat for myself and hopefully convince him upgrade to something with some greater neck coverage.  

If anyone has suggestions regarding sunscreens that don’t rub off slightly on armrests etc let me know.........black seats show everything.  I always hear I’ll wait until we arrive......

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19 hours ago, mumto2 said:

I think that is probably very true as it makes complete sense......coverage will be limited for a very few hours.  But I am currently thinking a few hours is a place to start.  I do think my husband’s greatest period of greatest unthinking exposure is in the morning....he tends to go outside and get caught by a neighbor for a lengthy chat before sitting down to work.  I think I can get him to moisturize as a habit each morning on his neck and arms but he would never agree to sunscreen that early in the day because he doesn’t plan his mornings outside.  😉 I am hoping to start a habit and to get him to improve at putting sunscreen on more frequently in general over the next year......he is my major concern (redhead with a history of skin issues).  I plan to lead by example......he wears a baseball type hat almost always.  I plan to go hat shopping and find a nice floppy hat for myself and hopefully convince him upgrade to something with some greater neck coverage.  

If anyone has suggestions regarding sunscreens that don’t rub off slightly on armrests etc let me know.........black seats show everything.  I always hear I’ll wait until we arrive......


I have spent my life living in the high desert of the southwestern USA.  I didn't start worrying about my skin until I started noticing damage, but then it was too late.  I'm happy that you're thinking about it before you even move into the harsh environment.

I was going to post that there is no such thing as a moisturizer with sunscreen that would soak in and protect you all day.  Tap's doctor said it much better than I could.  My understanding about how sunscreens work is that they form a protect layer, or filter, on the surface of your skin, that blocks UVA and or UVB rays from passing.  The sunscreen can't form this protective layer if it has soaked into your skin, or if it's all rubbed into the ridges and no longer remains on the outer surfaces.  By definition, to be effective, sunscreen must remain on the surface of your skin, in an even layer.

I did look up whether to apply the moisturizer/lotion before or after the sunscreen.  All the sites that came up concur that the moisturizer should be applied first and allowed to soak in, then the sunscreen should go on top.  

 For my face, I use a good cream to moisturize, then I use Neutrogena Sheer Zinc Sunscreen, Dry-Touch, Face,
On my body, I use Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Moisturizing Sunscreen . It's a gel, and it completely disappears in two seconds when applied to the skin.  It's not greasy at all, and it doesn't smell like sunscreen.  It will burn the eyes, though, so I don't use it on my face.

My dh uses spray-on, Sport sunscreen.  So do my kids.  

I don't know what to say about it rubbing off on your armrests.  I hate the smell of sunscreen in the car (especially the spray-on), so we always apply it when we're reached our destination.  My guess is that anything white may rub off.  The gel and spray are clear going on, so they probably wouldn't rub off.  I don't know, though.


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3 hours ago, Suzanne in ABQ said:


I have spent my life living in the high desert of the southwestern USA.  I didn't start worrying about my skin until I started noticing damage, but then it was too late.  I'm happy that you're thinking about it before you even move into the harsh environment.

I was going to post that there is no such thing as a moisturizer with sunscreen that would soak in and protect you all day.  Tap's doctor said it much better than I could.  My understanding about how sunscreens work is that they form a protect layer, or filter, on the surface of your skin, that blocks UVA and or UVB rays from passing.  The sunscreen can't form this protective layer if it has soaked into your skin, or if it's all rubbed into the ridges and no longer remains on the outer surfaces.  By definition, to be effective, sunscreen must remain on the surface of your skin, in an even layer.

I did look up whether to apply the moisturizer/lotion before or after the sunscreen.  All the sites that came up concur that the moisturizer should be applied first and allowed to soak in, then the sunscreen should go on top.  

 For my face, I use a good cream to moisturize, then I use Neutrogena Sheer Zinc Sunscreen, Dry-Touch, Face,
On my body, I use Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Moisturizing Sunscreen . It's a gel, and it completely disappears in two seconds when applied to the skin.  It's not greasy at all, and it doesn't smell like sunscreen.  It will burn the eyes, though, so I don't use it on my face.

My dh uses spray-on, Sport sunscreen.  So do my kids.  

I don't know what to say about it rubbing off on your armrests.  I hate the smell of sunscreen in the car (especially the spray-on), so we always apply it when we're reached our destination.  My guess is that anything white may rub off.  The gel and spray are clear going on, so they probably wouldn't rub off.  I don't know, though.


Thank you so much for the places to start.  I had never thought of a gel and that makes sense as it isn’t white to start with.  Can’t wait to give it a try actually.  It says it lasts 8 hours so perhaps I can get him to put it on his neck in the mornings and apply again if we go out later.......... The armrests seem to be the big excuse with Dh as to not putting anything on as we still have to get home.😉  I definitely have sun damage just not to the extent my husband does.

I have something for else for faces and can’t remember what and didn’t bring it with me.  I am not attached so will definitely be trying the Neutrogena Sheer Zinc recommendation.  My kids have already been using the Neutrogena spray on for their activities and love it! 

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