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Book a Week 2019 - BW33: Song for the Last Act

Robin M

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Now for Brit Tripping.............Bess of Hardwickhttps://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/women-in-history/bess-of-hardwick/ is possibly my personal favorite among Tudor woman.  She was born very low on the aristocracy pole and clawed her way up to be married to one of the richest men in England.  I have heard her classed as Elizabeth 1’s bestie by some, doubt that, but certainly trusted as she became Mary Queen of Scots jailer.  The house she built is Hardwick Hall and sits about a hundred yards from the “castle” she was born in.   To Harry Potter fans Hardwick is Malfoy Manor but there have been some landscaping changes since filming😂.    My kids are standing on what I have always thought was the entrance walkway used in the movie. It looked different last time I visited!  https://www.pottermore.com/features/behind-the-scenes-malfoy-manorThe tapestries are incredible......and the fireplaces fascinating........the last two photos are the original house that is undergoing extensive renovation and a photo of the wonderful towers on the main hall as I crossed the road from the old hall..........once again please don’t copy so I can remove my Dc’s photo in a couple of days....







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@mumto2  Beautiful, thank you for sharing! 


20 hours ago, melmichigan said:

@Robin M I loved Crucible.  It leaves one with a lot of scary thoughts!

@mumto2 I haven't really looked at the Innkeeper series, I may have to do that. 🙂 

@Negin I'm sorry to hear about your hands.  I hope a solution is quickly found. 

I am lost in curriculum planning, but managed to finish the Shattered Bonds ARC.  Wow!  I'll write a review closer to release date.  Anyone following the series will find this a must read, and boy is it packed with action, emotions, and lots of Beast. 


Yes, Crucible does give one lots to think about. Happy to hear you enjoyed Shattered Bonds and can't wait to read it. 

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