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MCT Island and Writing and Rhetoric Fable


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My 4th grader will be doing MCT Island this year and I've got a question about writing. Would adding Writing and Rhetoric Fable be adding too much? I like the samples of it so much that I'm even wondering about doing a lot of W&R Fable orally. My daughter is used to do copywork but has not done as much formal composition. 

For those of you who used MCT Island, is it ok to add an additional writing program? Would it be too much work? In the 28-week lesson plans, I'm seeing the weekly writing exercises based off either vocabulary or to explain a grammar concept. I also see the writing exercises for each chapter of Sentence Island even though we would probably pick and choose through those exercises. They all look great. They just don't have what W&R Fable has.........which looks like a lot of fun..........but I don't want to add it and overload my daughter with writing.

For those of you who have used W&R Fable, did any of you use parts of it orally? Or use it alongside another program? There doesn't seem to be too much writing if used alone. It looks perfect. My only concern is layering it in on top of other writing exercises.  

Thank you very much!!!!

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I used both before simultaneously.  I didn't do the writing part of mct. And because my son was young at the time, we did fable orally.

He only did grammar, vocab, and poetry with mct.

We did copywork and narration through WWE. We skipped copywork and possibly narration (?) when we did fable. We did the rest of fable.

Hope this helps.

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  • 9 months later...

No. We worked through parts of Island but not all of it. And we did not use Fable. Instead, my 10yo just writes a page a day. She alternates between writing a letter, about a book or movie she has seen, her weekly Veritas Press history card, a Friday Freewrite from Bravewriter, dialogue between 2 characters, and lists of just about anything. I'm happy. She's happy. I usually correct her writing once a week, sometimes twice. I also added in a 6-week punctuation workbook in January. My main goal this year was to get her writing consistently without fear.

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