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The Aquatic Memories Teachers Lounge 7-1-2019


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's them mostly comes to you from my daughter because I couldn't think of a theme! LOL But as she says, "Well, I mean, it is summer." Point.
Then I got to thinking of all my summer aquatic memories and there ya go!

So, what are your favorite summer aquatic memories? Here: before I get to summer specifically, my favorite aquatic memory is when we would go camping
on Memorial and Labor Day weekends and my dad would take me fishing. LOVED that! For summer, probably when we'd go to a church friend's A-frame cabin on the lake.
Spent hours there, playing with kids, being pulled on a raft behind the boat, swimming in the lake. Loved it. But actually, that's still not the favorite. I loved stomping through creeks
and wading through waist-high rivers. THAT was one of my favorite things to do!

Are you making any aquatic memories this summer? Here: my family is leaving for the Midwest soon and will be spending time in a lake and pool, no doubt. The dog and I may head for the hill
by a lake for a night or two (to get out of the 110*F heat!) I'm glad for all the man-made lakes in Arizona. It helps!

Talk to me!



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Hey Scrap!, not many aquatic memories for me. I'm a desert rat through and through. I did have swimming lessons and even got a little Red Cross card saying I could swim in the deep side or something when I was in 4th grade, I remember part of the test was having to jump off the diving board. But then in 9th grade I remember in PE during a swim week getting in the pool and having a thought about drowning and I just...couldn't go under again. I've tried multiple times over the years to get over the fear, with varying degrees of success, but am just not comfortable with lots of water. I know I can do it in a pinch, I just stay away from most circumstances that could pinch me 🙂

We moved out of Tucson btw, so I sympathize about the hot weather but for the first time in my life am not experiencing it! Well, it was 90 today, but that's really as hot as it gets here and it's been a transition. But, this house also doesn't have AC so the kids think this is hotter than Tucson, lol. 

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