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Teaching Textbooks Geometry

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TT Geometry is not a cure-all. What it did accomplish was that my son was able to do a math course on his own for a change (a mom-needed breath of fresh air). He even managed to get a good grade (don't recall if it came out to be an A- or B+). But all the complaining and frustrations at not "getting it" were still there. My son struggles in math, but if we go slowly enough, he can get A's--We did pre-algebra in 9th; Alg I, 10th; Geo, 11th; Alg II, 12th.


I wish they had made TT look like an older child's program. The DVDs always make me think of elementary work--the font and the "chalk board" they use look childish. Maybe they want the kids to think this is child's play so they will think it is easy? I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with TT.


This year we are doing Chalkdust--but that is even more expensive. Hopefully the resale value is as good as they say it is. I've heard folks on these boards say the CD geometry program was not a pushover either, and their kids struggled with that too, so I think that no matter what the program, children who struggle in math are going to have to work hard. Sigh.


Sometimes I think that we are pushing for higher math too early. Some kids can do algebra in 7th grade, but I think there are a lot of children who would benefit from waiting until 10th or even 11th grade for their minds to settle into the logic stage of manipulating abstractions.


Could I say that again?


Sometimes I think that we are pushing for higher math too early. Some kids can do algebra in 7th grade, but I think there are a lot of children who would benefit from waiting until 10th or even 11th or even 12th grade for their minds to settle into the logic stage of manipulating abstractions.


Ah. That felt good.


BOTH my older children struggled, struggled, struggled with Chemistry in 11th grade and for different reasons they ended up quitting and doing it their senior years. For BOTH of them, this was a very, very wonderful and perfect choice because the year they turned 18 was the year their minds "clicked" with chemistry. My oldest took off and started doing 2 to 3 chapters of Apologia Chem per week and my younger one has been doing a chapter per week because he decided he wanted to do physics 2nd semester. Both did straight A work. The fact they both could do that still makes me shake my head and ask whose children these are and what did they do with mine?????


Sometimes maturity truly is they key. Just because we say logic stage comes earlier, it doesn't mean it does for THIS child. I think a lot of the stuggles our children go through comes because we all must live in this world of competition where grades and ages are expected to go hand-in-hand.


'Nuff said.

:) Jean

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I guess that really is the question I am facing....will he really be able to do it on his own? If so, then it might be worth the expense....if not, then I am back to sitting with him as he works...and it's not really worth it to me then.


Decisions, decisions.


He's doing okay in Chemistry....low C's but he seems to be understanding the material, but he definitely doesn't test well.


Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!


Anyone else want to share???

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