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grammar planet vs analytical grammar

mama mills

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I am not familiar with grammar planet but I have used and loved AG with all 3 of my teenagers when they were in 6th-8th so far and plan to use it for the rest of my kids. It's thorough, easy to use and teach, doesn't take much of my time (although season 2 can be time consuming for the student at times), and my kids have all had great retention and very good cross over into their writing skills with it. Highly recommended!

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Another vote for Analytical Grammar.   Grammar Planet was just introduced as we were finishing up AG, so we never got to compare the two.   My kids did AG Season 1 during 7th grade, then Seasons 2 and 3 in 8th grade.   I'm convinced that it has helped with SAT/ACT scores, as my DS got a perfect 36 on his ACT English, and DD (who is currently in 9th grade) scored high in English as well on the PSAT (which is the only college-entrance-type exam she's taken so far).

Analytical Grammar was thorough and very straightforward.  I scheduled grammar 3-4 days per week, and since it is written to the student, they just picked up the book and did the work on their own.   I checked their work, corrected any mistakes, and moved on.

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For those reading along with language challenged kids, another vote for Analytical Grammar, but delayed or half speed. I'm having great success using Analytical Grammar season 1 for my dyslexic 8th grader, but a half pace. He'll do season 2 next year in 9th grade, and season 3 as a 10th grader. It is way too much to be used by him successfully on traditional pace, but this schedule has served him well and I think is a large reason his foreign language work is going so well this year.

My younger dyslexic/dysgraphic is doing MCT Grammar Island/Practice Island this year as a 6th grader, will do Junior Analytical Grammar next year, and then we'll see where he can plug in with Analytical Grammar.

I was hesitant to use books behind schedule or grade level when the kids were younger - but in this case the presentation of material is so good that I don't think the age range or recommendations matter. Any of this content at any age is likely to be helpful.

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