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laptop saga update . .


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after my sil said she wanted my old laptop (before I had even ordered a new one) . . . I got over my irritation with her, and thought - yeah, I can give it to her.  we completely wiped it, and then I contacted her she could come and get it. never. heard. from. her. . .  


since I had the power connection issue, I contact her geek son.  he promptly replied, and came by last night to pick it up.   he said in addition to the power connection issue being irreparable - the HD is failing.   so, he's going to just recycle it.   dh is feeling smug since he told me to just replace it, and not try  to fix it.

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Good that he confirmed that it has major issues. Depending upon the complexity of possibly/probably needing to take it apart, completely, to repair the Power issue, the hard disk drive replacement is trivial and inexpensive.  That assumes the components needed for the Power issue are available. If it is a "Consumer" grade machine, that's less likely than if it is an "Enterprise" grade machine.


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