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moving away party ideas?

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we are moving at the end of December 1000 miles away. Needless to say, my teenagers are going to miss their friends (although they are glad to be going back north, where they were born, and near all sets of grandparents, one of whom lives at the beach). What can I do to make their moving away party really special? they have quite an eclectic group of friends---



jodi-Fl but soon moving to pa

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When my best friend and her 3 siblings moved away, their family rented the local youth center for 2 hours. It had foosball, ping-pong, broom hockey equipment, etc. If you have something similar in your area, we loved this! We got lots of great pictures to remember them by.


Something special you could have each guest do is make a scrapbooking page of themself for your teen with things they want them to remember. You could either take a photo of the guest with your teen there and print it out, or have them bring their own photo. You could have stickers, stencils, pens, etc. for them to decorate it and add quotes, funny stories, great memories, etc.


Also, you could provide blank pillowcases and fabric markers for each of your teens for their friends to sign.

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When my best friend and her 3 siblings moved away, their family rented the local youth center for 2 hours. It had foosball, ping-pong, broom hockey equipment, etc. If you have something similar in your area, we loved this! We got lots of great pictures to remember them by.


Something special you could have each guest do is make a scrapbooking page of themself for your teen with things they want them to remember. You could either take a photo of the guest with your teen there and print it out, or have them bring their own photo. You could have stickers, stencils, pens, etc. for them to decorate it and add quotes, funny stories, great memories, etc.


Also, you could provide blank pillowcases and fabric markers for each of your teens for their friends to sign.



These are some great ideas! When I moved from Florida to Arkansas my friends had a going away party for me (I was 17 at the time). We had a huge cake with a map that showed both states...moving from and moving to kind of thing. It was really cute.

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i think i'm going to give 5 of my oldest 2 daughter's friends one letter each from their name in that kind of paper mache lettering that michael's sells, and have them each decorate it how they want, and sign the back. I'm not sure what to do for my 12yo daughter who will probably want a similar thing, but doesn't have similar friends. as for my teenage son.....he just wants to leave and not have it be a big deal so maybe I'll have his friends sign a basketball (he's on the high school team)?


thanks again for the ideas-


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Hey Jodi!


I'm so happy for you all. I hope this is a wonderful move for all of you. When we moved, my kids really appreciated and enjoyed the going away parties. In one family, the kids created the cutest scrapbook that my kids stil pull out now and again and look through. Perhaps you could ask the invitees to bring pictures of themselves with your kids and put in a scrapbook? Also, probably something that the kids could sign much like a yearbook. Or maybe your kids could pull pictures together beforehand and then have the kids at the party sign and write notes in the book?


So you may see snow this year after all? Many, many blessings ~


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