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secular health curricula


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Could anyone recommend some favorite secular resources for middle school health? This is mostly for my 8th grader but I should probably do some of this with my 5h grader, too.  I would like something that I could work through individually with each child and that would give me openings to talk about things like relationships, drugs, etc with them.    We discuss these things in the natural course of events, of course, but I am feeling as though I am just not talking *enough* with my 8th grader, and the clock is ticking on how much longer he will be willing to listen to me.



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Not a real curriculum, but we watched the Michael Pollan "In Defense of Food" documentary and my kids really enjoyed it.


I also think that any sort of books regarding relationships/communication is time well spent.  "School of Life' might be a good place to start: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7IcJI8PUf5Z3zKxnZvTBog


I'd also focus on mindfulness/stress relief and self-care. 

Edited by umsami
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