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Name That Book

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About 8 years ago when living in a different area I came across a book in the kids section of the library that I'd like to find again. No idea what it is called. My current library is not helpful.

It was historical fiction about a young artisan in ancient Egypt during the time that Akhenaten was pharaoh, changed the religion of Egypt, and moved the capitol. It was about his rise and relations with the royal family. Even after the people rejoiced that Akhenaten was dead and were smashing all records of him so he couldn't be remembered in the afterlife, this one artisan kept inscribing his name on things so his spirit would be okay.

I'm doing Egyptian history with another kid this year, and thought he would like this book.

What's it called? Anybody know?

Thanks in advance!

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3 hours ago, Pumpkin Pie said:

YES! Thank you!


On 8/16/2018 at 8:13 AM, knitgrl said:

I think perhaps you are looking for Casting the Gods Adrift by Geraldine McCaughrean. Even if it's not the one you are looking for, I thought it was a good read.


Geraldine McCaughrean is a gifted storyteller, and re-teller -- one of my favorites -- but my very favorite of hers (a bit different from most of her books) is The Jesse Tree. A family Advent staple! I wish she'd do a similar Lenten book.

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